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French plane lost in ocean storm
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1 Jun 2009, 23:48
Post Count: 1096
We don't need electricity either...
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1 Jun 2009, 23:57
Post Count: 460
I do... i'm not good at licking stamps

i just think if we have solar roof tops for all building n homes, we can run everything. it's a win win
supply & demand in competition will bring the prices way down.
but laws must be in place for society to except this transformation.
industrialized nation have building codes, included in the builders codes of approval must be, in my opinion, solar as a must, as the law, ......with a 20 yr low end for all building and home owners to comply with the new laws, or... face the humility that comes with charity,lol

but I would agree that: "I don't want people from America to come here and destroy, by sucking
out the blood of our ancestors, the black gold. Who do they think they are with that
technology. Are they so clever? No. We are the intelligent ones.
Those who defend the lungs of the earth, the jungle, the pure air and the pure water.
I call upon the yachaes, all the shamans of the world, to unite to say
to the world. Don't destroy nature. Don't destroy the roots of the trees."

From: Shamans of the Amazon
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1 Jun 2009, 23:58
Post Count: 460
accept* and a few other typos, sowwie damn u non-proof reader! ;D
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2 Jun 2009, 00:00
Post Count: 1096
Solar power is very ineffective, unless you live somewhere, where you can expect bright sunshine for at least three quarters of the day, there are very few areas like that. Just like wind power, making the turbine uses far more energy than that turbine can ever give us.
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2 Jun 2009, 00:06
Post Count: 460
Solar technology has come a long way. Look into 3d solar cells that pick up ten times more energy then 2d, bec a 3d solar cell has 6 sides like a square box.
and there's solar paint. you just paint it on.
You can still be hooked up to the power grid, but solar roof tops will bring even the cloudiest places electric bills down by 75%

also is the solar cooker. it;s pretty neat, get extremely hot, can boil water. looks like a BBQ for a back yard. cost less then 21 dollars to make. can bring clean water to the world.
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2 Jun 2009, 00:07
Post Count: 460
ps. there's a town in AZ that is already putting solar panels on all new homes.
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2 Jun 2009, 06:28
Post Count: 2651
Lol. Perhaps in Arizona. Clearly you've never lived in Glasgow (West of Scotland) where it rains 6 days out of 7.
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2 Jun 2009, 07:44
Post Count: 460
Lol. Glasgow? Are you sure you live there?

Glasgow is one of the leading solar enthusiast.
They have a huge center, I believe they invented the solar lily pads.

and "The roof of Glasgow Sheriff Court is now home to Scotland's largest solar panel generating system which will deliver 97kWp of electricity in optimum conditions."

be sure and look up solar lily pads in glasgow as well

and by all means if you have a better solution, please do start listening them any time soon, thanks :)
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2 Jun 2009, 21:48
Post Count: 2651
I don't live there. But I used to. And I knew nothing of this. Anyway, I read the article. But it's only about solar power for ONE government building! A building which is lucky enough to be in a position where it is rarely affected by the shade (something which can't be said about many households in the city). And even then, it only provides energy for 1/5th of it's requirements, or rather, sufficient for out of hours usage (likely to be minimal in a government building).

Not to mention the fact that it cost £500,000 to set up! So it's hardly an option for the average home owner!

I agree however that the lily pads sound like a pretty cool idea, although I cannot find any details on their predicted efficiency, taking into account the general lack of sunshine in Glasgow! And, while all of these things can help, none of them can be a solution.
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2 Jun 2009, 21:52
Post Count: 460
it's a start, and it can be done, bec Glasgow is looking to do so, and or doing so. dont try and stop them,lol
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2 Jun 2009, 21:52
Post Count: 460
and are* doing so
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2 Jun 2009, 21:57
Post Count: 2651
Where did I say I was trying to stop them? I'm all for building new houses with solar power etc. But the fact is that in Glasgow many people live in buildings that are over 100 years old. There just isn't the money to pay to get solar power put into them all. AND the weather will always limit it's efficiency. That's not to say we shouldn't try to utilise it. But I think we should be realistic about the cost and the limitation in potential benefit.
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2 Jun 2009, 22:32
Post Count: 460
Iceland has a pretty neat way to power all their needs.

every bit helps

solar does work in glasgow, other wise you would have plant life

sure it's not efficient has here in the desert. but with the new solar tech, it's a lot more efficient think i assume you may believe it is.

once governments eventual pass laws that require solar, like they will end up doing i promise you (I'm guessing now,lol- but many want this and are trying to do so, and I think they can do it)
supply and demand as well as having the most efficient product, will not only bring the prices way down, create millions of's a win win

but it's like pulling teeth to get people to open their eyes up to teh future they now live in
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2 Jun 2009, 00:08
Post Count: 1096
We used 3D solar cells at school to power tiny light bulbs, you had to hold it up in the sun for nearly half an hour to generate any light.
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2 Jun 2009, 00:11
Post Count: 460
Ed Bagley JR has a solar roof top, he runs everything with it, and he charges his electric car with his roof top.

ask your teacher to contact him, bec they're doing something wrong. he gives speeches on this all across the country in collages.
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2 Jun 2009, 00:14
Post Count: 1096
I'm no longer at school, we went to a centre about 'natural' energy sources and all the information there pointed out that 'natural' energy sources would never be efficient or good enough to run everything, this was a centre promoting 'natural' energy.
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2 Jun 2009, 00:19
Post Count: 460
well, i dont believe that.

They dont think big enough.

they only think in terms of solar as a plant on the our squirts, a way to make money off of the sun and charge you for it. They dont consider solar roof tops for every single building and house.
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2 Jun 2009, 00:20
Post Count: 460
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2 Jun 2009, 00:25
Post Count: 1096
I've seen all the solar farms (in pictures) across desert in America, however, if you work it out, the energy required for making and fitting the solar panels, has not been offset by the actual panels. If you have two panels, they wont off set, neither will a million. They work beside a large natural power company Infinergy and are solely supported by them financially.

Is that meant to be, as a plant on the out skirts?
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2 Jun 2009, 00:32
Post Count: 460
yes. that's what I mean. They look at a plant for solar power, and then see how it can power houses.

what I'm saying is that many people have solar roof tops, some get pay check from the electric companies for the electricity their home puts into the grid, while others with different types reduce their power bills by 50 - 75%

If one had solar panels on each and every roof top. and no one has calculated this, that i know of. Since many areas do get plenty of sun, we know this because we eat food and are alive,lol
all together I say solar can easily create more than burning fossil fuels. If done right ie shared power into the grids.
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2 Jun 2009, 00:37
Post Count: 1096
I know it has been calculated here (UK) (I learnt about it in Geog, I don't have the actual figures now though, as maths is evil) and it was impossible, there would be a deficit of more than 75%.
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2 Jun 2009, 00:47
Post Count: 460
so the people that do have solar power on their homes, and run everything with it. That's just an illusion?
That in no way can be done for each and every building and home there is?

I dont think in class anyone calculated every building have it's own solar power.
They go by what the largest solar power plant can produce, and calculate how much larger would it have to be for that system to power everything, and it turns out that no amount of solar would be enough.
I get that. I just dont believe that, and I base this on to many people already run everything on solar, now multiply that by 6 billion.
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2 Jun 2009, 08:10
Post Count: 1096
It can't be done here, I did say UK, not USA.
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2 Jun 2009, 16:04
Post Count: 460
It already is being done there
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2 Jun 2009, 16:14
Post Count: 1096
It isn't in the UK, you can get grants if you use certain things (though they are extremely small and not actually worth applying for), my uni has an arts centre with a slope roof entirely covered in 3D solar panels, it powers the single light in the lobby.
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