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Put your future in good hands - your own. ~Author
by ConfidenceIsBeauty

previous entry: Update by Sarah

next entry: a sign? Nikki

Update: Nikki


I can do this

Well I went to the doctor last week and he said that maybe the reason why I am having so much pain is because I am overweight. I mean yeah the endometriosis is the main cause but being overweight makes it worse. The more a woman weighs the more her body produces estrogen - the more estrogen the quicker the endometriosis grows. So after crying about how the doctor thinks I'm so fat.. I feel so fat... blah blah blah. I'm going to do my best to loose weight. My two options were go on BC which would minimize the pain (id still have to loose weight) - id be on BC for 6 months or so. Or I'd stay off of BC and TTC while trying to loose weight. My boyfriend and I discussed this and decided that although BC could be an option (although if I started taking BC I'd also have to take an anti-depression medication because when I take BC it makes my depression flare) we are wanting to have a baby and we are going to TTC while loosing weight. He is going to help me by pushing me to walk every night. Granted i'm only walking about 300-350 meters a night. it's more then nothing right? I'm also going to try to join a gym so I can walk in the pool three days a week. Doing exercises in the pool is awesome because it's high impact low pressure (esp for us overweight ppl). I don't know if the pool will happen or not yet but I'm hoping it will. If so I'm going to need to get a swim suit.. the one i have is not appropriate for exercising in.

I talked this over with my doctor and we came up with a reasonable expectation for the next four months. He says you have to go with 10% of your weight.. or something like that. So my goal is to loose 20lbs by June. 30lbs would be awesome but 20lbs is great. It may or may not happen but i have high hopes. I lost 3lbs since last week That's pretty awesome.

Anyway so we calculated my BMI which is a whopping 45. 25 and over is Overweight, 30 and over is Obese. Blah. The sad part is.. even if I drop 70lbs I'd still be considered "Obese" (33). Blah..

I can do this... I'll keep you all updated.

oh yeah and I'm going to be posting pictures of myself - my face, my whole body front, side, and back. It may help me loose weight.. or at least show me the weight I've lost later on. Anyone else want to do this too?


previous entry: Update by Sarah

next entry: a sign? Nikki

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water aerobics, and anything in the water is the best and is fun too! i hope this works out for you, you've got a lot on your plate, but it's completely do-able!!

[StaRRyEyDSupRizStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Congratulations on losing 3 lbs!
Any kind of exercise in water is really good for you and it's not causing any pressure on your body so nothing gets inflamed or has the chance to hurt! Goodluck

[Caitiijay..xx..Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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