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Ellie's Diary
by Ellie

previous entry: A Photo

next entry: 3am babbling



Survey Says....

* Full Name: Elizabeth Shanta (shawn-tay) C---------
* Age: 22
* B-day: August 26, 1987
* Height: 4'11"
* Weight: Unknown. After years of ED, I no longer own a scale.
* Hair: Auburn naturally. Currently brown-black.
* Eyes: Green
* Nickname: Elle, Ellie
* Sign of the Zodiac: Virgo, oddly enough
* Heritage: Cherokee, Mixed European
* Hobbies: ids, Music, Guitar.
* Pet Peeves: Lack of intelligence, Intolerance
* Siblings: I'm one of 7 children.
* Interests: My kids, learning oppritunities, making jewlery, cooking, the outdoors.
* Music: Anything but rap.
* Special skills: I'm an amazing cook, a good Mom, and I make pretty awesome sparkleys!
* Favorite animal: Horses
* Tattoos & piercings: 3 tattoos, getting my fourth here VERY soon...a full side peice. I have my ears peirced 7 & 8 times, belly button, and nipples peirced.
* If you were granted one wish, what would it be? For everything in my children's lives to go EXACTLY how they want it.
* If you could spend one whole night alone with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select? A whole night alone? Kyle! We don't get nights alone very much...
* If you could spend one whole night alone with anyone in history, who would you choose? oh, I dunno. I don't know that I'd want to be alone with em, but, maybeeeee if he was in a cell and had no hance at getting out, Charles Manson. I find him extremely interesting and would love to interview him.
* If you could eliminate any one type of insect permanently from the earth, what would you get rid of? Mosquitos or Fleas.
* If you could, in retrospect, change one thing about your childhood, what would it be? There's a lot I would love to get rid of....a lot of bad things happened and a lot of bad decisions were made....but it all made me who I am now.
* If you could have your entire wardrobe designed for you by a single clothing designer for the rest of your life, who would you select? Oh hell if I know. Chanel?
* If you could have one person from history live his or her life over again, starting now, who would you pick? Einstien
* If you could be guaranteed one thing in life besides money, what would you ask for? My kids lives to be exatly as they want it.
* If you could only keep ONE of your five senses, which would you keep? Hearing.
* If you could possess any one supernatural ability, what would it be? The power of mind reading.
* If you had to paint your entire home, inside and out, a single color other than white, what color would you pick? Well, I'd say pink, but I think Kyle would shoot me..
* If you could have one current writer write your biography, who would it be? I wouldn't want it written.
* If you could forever eliminate one type of prejudice from the earth, what would it be? I couldn't pick just one.
* If you could choose exactly what you will eat and drink for your last meal before death, what would the menu consist of? A salad with Italian dressing and cheese with fresh cracked pepper, Pepperoni pizza, tacos, and a ton of dessert
* If you were invited to join one current musical group, which would you want to be a member of? I dunno...
* If you could decide what will be written on your gravestone, what would you have it say? I don't know?
* If you could work for any person in the world, who would it be, and what job would you want? Um, for myself?
* If you could discover one item that belonged to someone in history, whose would it be, and what would it be? Jim Morrison's notebooks (oh HELL yes.)
* If you could see only one movie ever again, what film would you choose? The Notebook. I'm a sap.
* If you had to sleep with two famous people simultaneously, who would you choose? Oh gee...Um...Most of the famous people I find attractive...have passed away. And I'm really not into necrophilia. If we could bring em back to life though....John Morrison and Sid Vicious.
* If you could eat one food in any quantity for the rest of your life will no ill effects whatsoever, what food would you choose? Pizza
* If you could have any music group alive today play at your birthday party, which group would you hire? Jason Aldean
* If you could be a student at any university in the world right now, where would you enroll? Wichita State probably. It's really close and wouldnt interrupt my life as it is. Or Texas A&M, cause a move to Tx in the future has been discussed.
* If you could arrange a rock concert with any three musicians or groups to play on the same bill, who would you invite? Shinedown, Chevelle, and Avenged Sevenfold (BEFORE The Rev passed away cause he was effing amazing)
* If you could see anyone alive fully naked, who would you select? Kyle. hehe.
* If you could erase any one murder from history, which would it be? Dimebag Darrell. I think it's probably the one murder that, in its own little way, impacted my life.
* If you could be a contestant on any game show, which would you like to be on? Jeopardy.
* If you had to name your single worst fear, what would it be? Burying another child.
* If you could be the editor of any single magazine, what publication would you pick? Tattoo
* If you could use only one cosmetic item for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Eyeliner
* If you could cure any disease, which would it be? Genetic disease. If there was only way to add a chromosome they're lacking, or take one away that's too many....Maybe someday. I doubt it, but, it's a really nice thought.
* If you had to describe your idea of the perfect mate, how would you do it? Well, he's about 5'6", shaved head, green eyes, goatee...not a large build, but strong enough to play rough haha. Tall enough to reach things on the top shelf at the store, short enough I don't have to stand on my toes to kiss him. He's very loyal, very open minded, and great at communicating with me. He understands what makes me tick, and we have a very very similar sense of humor.
* If the world could henceforth have only one single art form, what do you think it should be? Oh I could never pick one. Most of my favorite things are art...
* If you could wear only one color, besides black or white, for the rest of your life, what would you wear? Pink
* If you had to eat in only one restaurant for the rest of your life, which would you choose? For my waist's sake, I guess Doc Green's.
* If you could have any type of fresh cut flowers delivered to your home every week, what type would you pick? Daisies.
* If you had to be the underwear of someone famous, who would you choose to wear you? Ummm
* If you were to be reincarnated as an animal, what kind would you want to be? A Bird.

* Favorite Color? Black or Pink
* Lucky Number? 13
* Favorite Smell? Fresh washed laundry
* Favorite Author? Can't say I have one.
* Favorite Movie? Full Metal Jacket
* Favorite Actor? Jack Nicholson. Not in an oohh hes attractive way, just a damn, he's talented way..
* Favorite Actress? Don't really haveo ne.
* Favorite TV Show? The News
* Your Motto? I dunno
* Favorite Cologne or Perfume? I wear Halle Berry's perfume here lately...
* What You Wear To Sleep? Nothing most nights. Occasionally one of Kyle's shirts.
* Do You Collect Anything? Not really
* One Thing You're Addicted To? Nicotine.
* Favorite Male Singer? Johnny Rotten
* Favorite Female Singer? Shirley Manson
* Does Life Exist On Other Planets? Yes
* The Worst Crime Against Humanity? Child Abuse!
* Traits You Look For In A Friend? Honesty, loyalty, humor, common interest, intelligence.
* Traits You Look For In A Partner? The same as in a friend, plus physical attraction.
* Your Best Quality? Ability to roll with the punches.
* Your Worst Quality? My temper
* Greatest Amout of Physical Pain You've Ever Endured? Childbirth.
* Greatest Amount of Emotional Pain You've Ever Endured? The passing of my child.
* Your Best Physical Feature? Eyes or Body.
* Are You Sentimental? Extremely
* Do You Know Who You Are? Yes.
* Someone You Consider To Be a Genius? There are a few.
* Your Favorite Childhood Toy? Dolls
* Three Words You Often Use When Speaking? Whatever, Right, and Fuck.
* Someone You Would Like To Have Speak At Your Funeral? Someone who knows how to make the people there laugh. I don't want my funeral to be the mourning of my death, but a celebration of my life.
* The Emotion You Tend To Hide The Most? Sadness.
* Something That Makes You Happy? Kids, music.
* Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset
* Coke or Pepsi? Coke
* Bath or Shower? bath if I have the time.
* Dogs or Cats?Dogs
* City or Country? Country
* Boxers or Briefs? Boxers
* New York or Paris? NY
* Silver or Gold? Silver
* Do You Like Snakes? Best pet ever.
* Would You Skydive? Going next summer.
* Would You Clean The Outside Windows Of A Skyscraper? No
* Would You Walk Through A Forest Alone At Night? I have.
* A Physical Trait You Find Attractive? Confidence. Yes, it projects physically so it counts.
* Do You Like Surprises? Good ones, yeah...
* The Strangest Place You've Ever Had Sex? The middle of a city park.
* An Unfulfilled Sexual Fantasy? I think I've pretty much ticked em all off the list...
* Your Favorite Season? Summer
* If You Had A Plane Ticket To Anywhere On Earth, Where Would You Go? Anywhere with someone that matters.
* A Famous Person You'd Like To Spend Time With? Someone I could learn from.
* A Law You'd Change If You Could? I'd legalize marijuana.
* At what age would you like to die? Old enough to have lived my life, young enough not to be senile. I've put my body through hell already.
* The Most Important Thing In Life? Family
* If You Could Have Chosen Your Own Name, What Would It Be? I kinda like my name...
* If You Were To Drown In A Liquid Besides Water, What Would It Be? Vodka?
* What Would The Title Of Your Autobiography Be? My life isnt fit to write about.
* If You Could Have A Romance With Any Fictional Character, Who Would It Be? I dunno. The dude from the Notebook?
* If You Could Live The Life Of Any Fictional Character, Who Would It Be? Oh there are a few.
* A Song You Want Played At Your Wedding? Avenged Sevenfold - Warmness On The Soul
* A Song You Want Played At Your Funeral? Life is Beautiful - Sixx AM
* If You Could Only Have Sex Once More In Your Life- With Who? Where? And When Would It Be? Kyle, anywhere, anytime....I can't imagine only one more time though/.
* If You Started a Band, What Would It Be Called? That phase of my life is over with.
* Name Something You'd Sell Your Soul For? I wouldn't.
* Do You Believe in Reincarnations? Yes
* Do You Know How To Swim? Yes
* Who Is Your Hero? Mom.
* Would You Pose Nude For a Magazine? I have..
* What Offends You? Ignorance!
* Do You Like To Dance? Yes
* Do Sad Movies Make You Cry? Always
* What Is Your Dream Job? Tattoo artist.
* Favorite Drink? Alcoholic: Whiskey Sour
* Non: Mt Dew
* Your Best Subject In School? Art
* Something You Consider To Be Truly Beautiful? My babies
* Ever Tasted Human Blood Besides Your Own? No
* Favorite Poet? Tennyson
* Ever Had A Threesome? Several
* Do You Meditate? Iy house is NEVER quiet.
* Do You Blush Easily? Yes
* Favorite Car? 1969 Camero Z-28, dark blue, white stripes, white interior. Not that I have thought about it much or anything.
* Favorite Swear Word? Fuck
* Favorite Style Of Clothing? Nudity.
* Something Non-Essential To Life That YOU Can't Live Without? Laughter
* If You Could Bring Someone Back From The Dead, Who Would It Be? Sid Vicious
* If you had to choose the best television show ever made, which would you pick? I dunno
* If you had to murder someone, how would you do it? I couldn't.
* If you could redesign your country's flag, what would it look like?I like it.
* If you had to change your race, what would you want to be? I wouldn't!!!! I'm a perfect mix.
* If you were allowed to eat only one vegetable for the rest of your life, which one would it be? Asparagus.
* If you could see through the clothes of any one person at all times, who would it be? Kyle? haha
* If you could occupy the world described in a novel, which would you choose? Depends when ya ask.
* If you learned that you were to die in exactly one hour, what would you do? Hold my babies.
* If you were to have your portrait painted, what would you choose as the setting? With the kids...
* If you could choose the very last thing you would see before you die, what would it be? My kids happy.
* If you could reverse the ongoing extinction of any animal now endangered, which animal would you choose to save? Hmmm

* Allergies: Grass. Dust. Pollen.
* A color you like to wear: Black r Pink
* Regardless of Size or Circumstance, an Animal You Would Like To Own: Horses
* A Smell That Makes You Pause: Pumpkin pie or warm vanilla
* A Smell That Makes You Melt: Kyle just out of the shower
* A Sport You Enjoy Watching: Football MMA
* A Favorite Meal: Mexican
* A Drink You Often Order: Mountain Dew
* A Delicious Desert: Brownies
* A Game You Like To Play: Pool
* An Author Who Has Affected You: I dunnno
* The Magazine You Read Most Frequently: Tattoo
* Music You Prefer To Listen To When You're Alone: Depends on my mood
* A Piece Of Clothing You Love To Wear: Broke in jeans
* A Monument You Would Like To Have A View Of From Your Bedroom: none
* Your Favorite Time Of Day: Night
* Your Favorite Place To Sit At Home: The left corner of the couch is MINE!
* Things You Like To Buy: Stuff for the kids. They're rotten.
* Your Strangest Posession: There are a few...
* Something Forbidden You Have Done That Might Even Surprise Your Friends: My friends are past being surprised by me.
* People Should Not Marry Before This Age: 18
* People Should Not Have Children Before This Age: 20 (hah...yeah, do as I say, not as I do...)
* The First Time You Had Sex, You Were This Age: Willingly....13.
* One Person You Have Killed In Your Thoughts: A few...
* A Drug Or Alcohol You Take On A Regular Basis: Alcohol, Nicotine.
* If There Were No Side Effects, You Would Enjoy Being Addicted To: Speed. I always need energy.
* Do You Believe Hitting A Child Is An Appropriate Form Of Discipline? Depends on the situation!
* As An Adult, Have you Have Hit a Woman? Yes
* As An Adult, Have you Hit a Man? Yes
* You Have Been Arrested? Yes
* What Would Be Your Reaction If Your Partner Cheated On You? I'd be devestated. This is the first relationship I have been in where I didn't worry about it.
* Do You Believe In God? Yes
* What Religion Were You Raised With? Methodist.
* Do You Practice This Religion? I'm more nondenominational.
* Your Most Spiritual Moment: Was mroe of a journey then an moment.
* Death Is: part of life
* Do You Feel That Most Wars Were Started Because Of Religious Conflicts? no
* Do You Believe We Are Descendants of Adam and Eve? Well we kinda have to be. They were the only two around at first.
* Do You Believe in Evolution? No
* Do You Believe in Astrology? To an extent.
* Do You Read Your Horoscope? Yes
* Have You Ever Been Treated By A Psychologist? Yes...

* The Right To Have An Abortion: Pro Life.
* The Right To Own Guns: Pro
* The Welfare System: Depends on the situation
* The Death Penalty: Pro
* Right and Services For Illegal Immigrants: No
* Legalization of Drugs: SOME drugs, Pro.
* Equal Rights For Homosexuals: Pro
* The Practice of Premarital Sex: Pro
* The Most Common Issue You And Your Parents Argue About: The way I choose to live my life, the decisions I make for myself
* Something Your Parents Did That You Have Never Forgiven: A lot.
* The Friend You Miss The Most: Dani
* A Friend Who Believes In Or Does Something You Cannot Respect: Eeh
* The Number of Drinks That Constitutes Your Limit: Depends on what I'm drinking?
* You Have Considered Plastic Surgery? Yes. I'd LOVE a tummy tuck and breast lift.
* Spontaneously Make A List Of Things That You Like: Happiness, love, my kids, my life, creativity, art, music
* Spontaneously Make A List Of Things You Dislike: Lying, bigotry, backstabbing, infidelity, close minded, ignorance, lack of intelligence, bullshit.


* You Keep A Diary? Yes
* You Like To Cook? Yes
* You Exercise Regularly? Yes
* You Sketch While You Are On The Phone? Yes
* You Have Read a Book In The Past Month? Yes
* You Replace The Toilet Paper Roll Immediately? No
* You Like Crossword Puzzles? No
* You Have Visited The Eiffel Tower? No
* You Have A Secret You Have Never Shared With Anyone? Yes
* You Wait Until The Last Minute To Fill Your Car With Gas? Yes
* You Snore? Yes
* You Read In The Bathroom? Sometimes
* Being Sick is a Vacation? No
* You Often Have People Over At Your House? Yes
* You Like America? Yes
* You Can Remember Jokes? Yes
* You Play Cards? Yes
* You Fold Your Underwear? No
* You Talk In Your Sleep? Yes
* You Eat Fast? Yes
* You Often Avoid Paying Full Price? Yes
* You Like Hiking? Yes
* You Like Being On The Phone? No
* You Set Your Watch A Few Minutes Ahead? Yes
* You Are Always Late? No, never
* You Often Get Headaches? Yes
* You Smoke? Yes
* A Naked Photo of You Exists? That's pretty much what I do for a job...
* You Can Whistle? Yes
* You Write Letters Regularly? Yes
* You Believe in Destiny? Yes
* You Brush Your Teeth 3 Times a Day? No
* You Bite Your Fingernails? No
* You Are A Vegetarian? No
* You Have Made Love In An Airplane? No
* You Have Hit Your Mother or Father in Anger? Yes
* When You Do Something Wrong, You Are Quick To Apologize? Yes
* You Lose Control In Heated Arguments? Yes
* You Have Stolen Money From Your Parents? No
* You Have Fired a Gun? Yes
* You Often Have The Last Word? Yes
* You Give Money To Homeless People? sometimes...
* Money Has Influenced Your Character? Yes
* You Enjoy Being Photographed? Yes
* Life Treats You Well? For the most part, yes
* If You Were Forced To Convert To Another Religion, Which Would You Choose? I have no idea
* At Your Funeral, You Want People To Remember You As: who I am.
* When You Are Happy, You Need: to spread it.
* When You Are Sad, You Need: a hug.
* When You Are Sentimental, You Need: to remember
* When You Are Angry, You Need: To be alone
* When You Are In Love, You Need: to have it reciproated.
* When You Are Lonely, You Need: A hug
* The Last Time You Cried Uncontrollably: Friday night
* Someone Who Genuinely Makes You Happy: My Kids
* Your First Kiss: His name was Tyler
* The First Time You Fell In Love:I was 14. His name was Will.
* The Last Time You Fell In Love: Now
* Describe Your First Paying Job: Training horses
* Describe Your Best Paying Job: Modelling


* Sweet or Sour? Sweet
* Sahara or Himilaya? Himilaya
* Dolphin or Eagle? Eagle
* Old or New? Old
* Hot or Cold? Hot
* Soft or Hard? Hard
* Train or Plane? Plane!
* Yesterday or Tomorrow? Tomorrow
* Red or Blue? Blue
* Fast or Slow? Fast
* Beatles or Elvis? Beatles. That's not even a question!
* Blind or Deaf? Blind
* Written or Spoken? Both
* Woman or Man? Man
* Carpet or Hardwood Floor? Hardwood Floor
* Earthquake or Hurricane? Earthquake
* Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
* Abstract or Figurative? Abstract
* Limited or Open-ended? Open-ended
* House or Condo? House
* ! or ? !
* Open or Closed? Closed
* Bath or Shower? Bath
* Square or Circle? Circle
* Fire or Water? Fire
* Lightning or Thunder? Lightning
* Black or White? Black
* Ocean or Forest? Ocean
* Dogs or Cats? Dogs
* Day or Night? Night
* Leaves or Roots? Leaves
* Left or Right? Right
* Cremation or Burial? Burial
* Victim or Criminal? Criminal
* Even or Odd? Even
* Sun or Rain? Sun
* Pen or Pencil? Pen
* Horns or Strings? Strings
* Summer or Winter? Summer
* Horizontal or Vertical? Horizontal
* Destiny or Choice? Choice
* Alone or Together? Together


* Pet a snake? I did
* Spend A Week In An Empty Room? I would not
* Ride In A Hot Air Balloon? I did
* Kill An Animal (fish, birds, and insects not included)? I would not
* Sky Dive: I would (and will next summer!)
* Sing In Front of a Huge Audience: I did
* Scuba Dive: I would
* Sit In The Front Seat of a Roller Coaster? I did
* Deliver A Baby? I would
* Swim Across The Amazon River? I would not
* Change Careers: I did, I would
* Disappear For a Long Period of Time: I would
* Join a Space Mission: I would
* Tell Everyone What You Honestly Think of Them: I would
* Call Off Your Wedding: I did
* Walk Naked Through New York City for 10 Minutes During Rush Hour? I would
* Walk Up To Godzilla and Call Him a Girl? I would
* Disarm a Bomb? I would
* Draw a Mustache on the Mona Lisa With a Permanent Marker? I would not
* Go On Tour With Elvis Presley? I would
* A Saying You Have Heard About Men or Women That You Believe: "If it has tires or testicles it will eventually cause problems"
* Do You Truly Believe It Is Possible To Be With One Person For The Rest Of Your Life? Absolutely!
* You Regret That You Never Had a Relationship With This Person:I have with most anyonen I've wanted.
* A Type Of Person You Don't Seem To Get Along With: Iditots
* If You Had Wings, You Would Fly Above:Eberything
* If You Were The Queen or King Of Your Country: I'd outlaw stupidity.
* If You Were a Beverage or Cocktail, You Would Be: Alcoholic. haha
* If You Could Start All Over: I wouldn't change a thing. There have been a LOT of really rough times in my life, but I'd go through them all again to end up where I am now, as the person I am now.
* Something You Need To Learn: To make sure that I am happy before I worry about trying to make anyone else happy!
* The Best Word To Describe Your LIfe: Blessed.
* The Last Person You Said "I Love You" to: My kids
* A Piece of Wisdom You Would Pass On To A Child: Follow your heart.

previous entry: A Photo

next entry: 3am babbling

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awesome. I will definitely be back to read this all later after work.

[Music God Of BloopStar|0 likes] [|reply]

wow! amazing. We definitely are a lot alike. LOL

I'm TOTALLY with you on the Genetic disease thing.

As for the A7X thing, have you heard the new song with Mike Portney playing drums??? It's brutally amazing!

[Music God Of BloopStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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