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AaronAardvaark's Diary
by AaronAardvaark

previous entry: It's Hell out there...

I forgot I had this...


I have a goal. Weight loss. It's not an uncommon goal, but I'm lazy, fat, and generally don't stick to my goals.
So, lets see how many days I stick to this.
Every day I will post what I did to get closer to skinny... Starting tomorrow.

previous entry: It's Hell out there...

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Welcome back to Bloop. Good luck on your goal! I have the same one P:

[holdtehpicklesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Best of luck

[just del|0 likes] [|reply]

Hey welcome back how could you forget about bloop? This is the greatest place on earth as far as being a safe place to write.

Best of lucky with your weight loss journey, just remember if you fall off at one meal get right back on track for the next one.

[stickbug7Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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