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Humanity's last hope's Diary
by Humanity's last hope

previous entry: Bad turns to worse, and the worse turns into hell.

next entry: Soon I'll grow up, and I won't even flinch at your name.

"Our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary...


...The ringing of the division bell had begun."

Last night was my first night back in my room since wednesday, and it didn't get any less scary while I was away. The random noises, the tightness of the chest, bathroom light turning itself all got worse. My friend said that she was reading up on ghosts and said that they always haunt people who are stressed, and I just looked it up and found the same thing. Makes sense. the more upset I get, the more obvious and frequent the scary shit gets. My very own poltergeist. At least I won't be alone anymore. But the way things were last night, I think I'd almost rather endure more of the loneliness. Me and my friend decided when I get approved for ssi, we're gonna move to oklahoma city, so I'm really excited about that. Something to look forward to. I miss having my own room and being able to decorate it however I want.
Funny story. I've been staying at my friend's since wednesday, right? in those 3-4 days, I've eaten a spare rib, 8 oreos, one bottle of water, a balogna and cheese sandwich, a small package of goldfish, and half a box of tic-tacs. Yes. That's right. The little mints. Yesterday she had to work, and I just chilled in her room all day. I was afraid to go in the kitchen and get anything to eat or drink because her grandparents were there, so I hate half a box of tic tacs that she had handed me the night before. I find that amazingly funny for some reason. So I come home last night and turn on south park, and stan tells kenny "Dude, I know your family is poor but you can't just eat a bowl of mints for dinner." How's that for irony? lol my first thought was "Yep. I'm officially as poor as kenny." lol

previous entry: Bad turns to worse, and the worse turns into hell.

next entry: Soon I'll grow up, and I won't even flinch at your name.

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Spirits stay around people who are stressed because when you are stressed you become more sensitive to everything going on around you. So really normal non stressed people are haunted as well but they are less sensitive to notice it, unless of course it is the obvious stuff like the lights turning on and off. But the whole 'i feel like someone is watching me' most people dont feel...

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