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U'szo' bolond vagyok!
by vatten mö

previous entry: December 14th

next entry: And the academy award goe

Icy Cold Christmas Trees


A SWWWEET picture of me as a christmas tree is on facebook. If I could, I'd share it with you via a link. However, if you are not a friend with the person who took it, you won't be able to see it. That is how the cards lie at this time. I apologize now because that picture would light up your day. Haha.

So, my geographic area is part of the ice and snow storm affected region. The snow is supposed to stop around noon tomorrow. It started tonight. There is a solid sheet of ice below what snow has already fallen. Most of the area schools, churches, and businesses have been affected by the "wonderful" weather. MSSU is one of the few area schools that have not canceled so far for tomorrow. Of couse, MSSU hardly ever cancels classes. Please keep everyone within extreme weather affected areas in your prayers. It is dangerous to drive in Joplin alone. I got a ride to and from work tonight.

So, work tonight wasn't too bad. We were not busy at all. I was IM'ing with Kassey and my former roommate, Danielle, while at work. Haha. I am NEVER on my phone while at work at BK. In fact, I rarely even have my phone on me there. I was also dancing around/singing to music playing over the intercom while cleaning windows (which I did not have to do but wanted to do, haha). I had all kinds of energy tonight. I got home around 1:00am. I will have stay later than scheduled next Monday due to covering for one of my coworkers, Tiffany. That just means I will have more hours on my work schedule. I'm all for more money, haha.

So, I found out that one of customers on Saturday told my boss that I should get a raise because I did a good job. I know that a raise isn't coming anytime soon because Heather has to get food costs down before she can consider giving anyone a raise. That is a challenge in itself. Trust me.
Also, that same lady is suing BK due to Debra's kids being at work unsupervised on Saturday. I told you that I had bad feelings about that situation. I worried that something bad would come from it. The lady is bring child endangerment claims against BK. If Heather had known that Debra had such young kids, then she wouldn't have allowed Debra to bring them in and leave them unsupervised. Debra got called in on her day off, just so you know. This is not a common practice for BK, trust me when I say that.

My computer's battery is dying so I have to go now. If there is something you want to hear about in particular from the last entry, let me know and I'll tell you as much as I can about it.

Talk to you later. I have to go to bed soon so I can go to Joyce's to work tomorrow anyway. --Robyn

previous entry: December 14th

next entry: And the academy award goe

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you could still post the pic here! all you gotta do is go to the properties of the photo and put it here as you would any other pic using the html tags.

[BrownEyedMonkeyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Noooooo!! I want to see that pic!!!!
OMG. All that ice!! I really really really really hope nothing bad happens.
Yay for energy!
Ooooh!!! Good feedback! Nice! Even though a raise is not possible anytime soon, it's great that someone made a compliment about you!
Wow. What a nasty situation .
I'll have to read the previous entry first! )
Take care ----

[Mrs.Black ReloadedStar|0 likes] [|reply]

is the weather as bad as some of those other storms up there? i think it's time for the icy weather to give it a rest!

[AmbassadorForChrist|0 likes] [|reply]

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