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Believing... Hoping... Trusting...
by Sparkleojoy

next entry: The one with an eerie picture.

The one where I say, "Ahem..."


Well, hello!

This is not my first diary here, but I am returning after a long hiatus. We'll see how things go.

So, first entry. Hoo boy. Gotta make an impression, right? Gotta spill out the basics AND make it interesting. Well, the basic basics are listed at the top of the page. I'm female, have a birthday in September and live in good ol' NC.


Hmm... what else? I can wiggle my eyes pretty fast AND I love to style my hair in different styles. I'm hooked on Pinterest and recently got pulled into the whole Instagram hoopla. I work with kids a LOT and love having funny stories/statements from them. Just graduated with a master's degree and have NO idea what's next.

So, I'm pretty much the typical 20-something who loves adventure and a good story. My story is pretty cool, as I know yours is, too! I can't tell my whole story now, because 1) it's not finished, 2) it's LONG, and 3) why ruin a perfectly good cliffhanger like this?

Oh, and I love emoticons. Don't judge me.

next entry: The one with an eerie picture.

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RYN: Random noter...favoring you! Please tell many pictures do you see in the entry you commented on? I was having problems with pictures showing up....going to read your first entry now...welcome back to Bloop!

[grumpieisme|0 likes] [|reply]

We live on opposite sides of the US (I'm in California) but I'd swear we could be twins! haha I'm 20-something (28) & used to work with kids! I love them! Looking forward to getting to know you, my new random favorite! hehe

[grumpieisme|0 likes] [|reply]

Hehe. Hello Cali-twin! I'll favorite you back, fo' sho'. I keep expecting Bloop to have a "Like" button. I think I'm on Facebook too much....

[Sparkleojoy|0 likes] [|reply]

All the pictures are loading for me to see now!
And yes, I did post 7 pictures.

[grumpieisme|0 likes] [|reply]

ahah we're all addicted to FB!

[grumpieisme|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back (:

[Atropos|0 likes] [|reply]

Thanks, muchly! It's good to be back.

[Sparkleojoy|0 likes] [|reply]

next entry: The one with an eerie picture.

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