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Waiting on our Princess
by ♥ Bella

previous entry: ♥ R.I.P. Momma Gail

next entry: ♥ You are such a B1tc4!

♥ Gee golly Miss Molly!


So again not a whole lot else going on. It has stayed pretty non eventful around here for the most part. So much so we haven't even finished getting our stuff moved over from the other house. But Josh has been working so that makes it harder because its useless for me to take him to work and keep the car to do it by myself. O well, I am sure we will get it done by the end of this weekend, and then we can bribe Gus to bring over the old mattress set for the guest room.

I finally got a puppy though! She is a little butt face, but she is adorable. We had originally gone in on Monday morning to the pet store and I saw two that I liked - a teddy bear schichon (bichon shit-zu mix) and then the mini Australian shepherd. Well Josh wanted to go think about it blah blah whatever so when he took me back at like 5 that evening they had sold my teddy bear and I really wanted her. But the Aussie was just as cute but she will get bigger and I was worried about having her in a small place right now because as a herding dog she likes to run and play. But we went back and played with her and Josh was in love so we went ahead and got her. Josh promised that when we moved to Grand Forks we could get a second dog too of my choosing. We named her Molly. The way she hops everywhere is so funny.

We really need to work on the yard but can't get the stuff since he works all day and the self help building closes at three. They give us free mulch and soil etc so we just basically have to do the work. How nice that we don't have to buy the things to work on their property haha. But I guess that is all I have to say for now, just thought I would update so everyone knows I am alive.


previous entry: ♥ R.I.P. Momma Gail

next entry: ♥ You are such a B1tc4!

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she sounds like a cute puppy

[burt|0 likes] [|reply]

She sounds adorable!

[♥ Claire BearStar|0 likes] [|reply]

sounds like a cute puppy, Id love one but Im not home enough so it isnt fair x

[fields_of_empathy|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Haha, no, I haven't been hiding.
Whenever I turn my laptop off yahoo automaticlly turns off Yahoo Mobile and sets me as invisible and I just never think to check my messengers since I'm only on for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.
I'm not online as often during the spring/summer.
I'll most likely be on tonight though.

[sundaysex|0 likes] [|reply]

When I turn my laptop ON* rather. When I turn it off it turns on Yahoo Mobile.

[sundaysex|0 likes] [|reply]

Just a warning.

[heartbreakerquotes.|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: ♥ R.I.P. Momma Gail

next entry: ♥ You are such a B1tc4!

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