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Struggles no more.. (:
by Emmie x

previous entry: Scan.

next entry: Panic!!



Jus got back to mami's - she's in a right strop. She proper saw her arse last night when Shane came to pick me up.. whinging about the noise his car makes. 'Yea mum, all cars make some kind of noise'. Moaning old bag, haha.

Big time embarrassment last night!
Me & Shane popped in to Tesco and bumped in to his mate with his pregnant, ready to pop chic. And they was saying like that Shane should keep covered up. So, 'cos babaa has been giving me stomach ache i started rubbing my back & that so budd pipes up.. "Ooh look, she's getting pains - are you sure she aint already?!" I started blushing 'cos i'm a shit liar, and it was obvious to them about 'things' like. I don't know whether Shane has told his budds about babaa, and that was a sly dig at me like to blurt things out or what. But i felt well embarrassed. I don't really want anyone knowing at this point to be honest. Anyway, Shane did try to move the conversation on... but failed!

I went to DN for a few coke's earlier. Everyone's like 'I'm gone faint. You aint had a wine in like 2 weeks!'. Bore. Bore. Bore. So a girl can't detox once in a while?, hehe, actually it was making me feel bloated all the time - or more so. I did need to cut down anyhow - i was getting a bit fed up with arguing with people after a few too many. Naughty girl!!

New house is ready!!
I'm getting the keys on Tuesday. I can't wait. They're jus going to pop round on Monday morning to check the window fitters have fitted the windows properly - then it's all go (: I've got the paint & wallpaper for the hallways & lounge sorted, jus need to get my bedroom ( - though i'm still not sure whether to go pink floral or teal) wallpaper then the rest i can sort whilst i'm in there. The carpets i need to book when this loan comes through. I'll sort that this weekend, after i've treat myself. I had a scoot through the shops this afternoon & i've seen a couple outfits i wouldn't mind treating myself too. I need to start building the winter wardrobe - i ain't bought myself anything new, clothes-wise, in months! Which reminds me - that's ANOTHER thing that needs sorting 'cos the removal men bust the door of my wardrobe. Numpty's! So that'll be another £50 i shouldn't really need to be bloody spending! Mind you, i'll jus be telling Squish i'd rather have a new wardrobe set than that corner sofa. Haaaaha (;

Jus having a munch now with Chubba - Wotsits & pistachio's. Delicious!

Well - panic is on. Shane it out with the lads so no doubt i'm going to be worrying whether he makes it home safe! Tonight i am planning to stay calm, don't panic, 'he's safe Emma.' Pssht, we'll see. I've jus had a cheese salad sandwich and i feel sick as a pig now. I didn't really fancy it. I thought being pregnant meant you ate more - not less?


previous entry: Scan.

next entry: Panic!!

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Yay on the house how exciting so r u renting or buying?

Will u post up pictures??

[*~Amber~*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Ooh yes yes post pictures!

I know several people that couldn't keep much food down during their first trimester. (my friend Lauren just finished hers haha!) and once the second started they started being able to eat like piggies.

I love that you get to wallpaper! I've never been allowed to, and I think the papers look so cute!

[JessicaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Yay on the house!

I ate like a pig through my first trimester but that's only because I know I have to eat through my nausea if I don't want to be sick, I don't know anyone else who ate anything much at all for the first few weeks. Gotta love morning sickness, even if you're not throwing up.

I tried to keep being pregnant a secret to begin with and failed miserably.

[amyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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