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welcome to a little piece of my world
by mkay

previous entry: Car Problems

next entry: Friends

So What If I Stole This Survey


you believe in karma? Yes I do, and it's a mother lol

When's the last time you folded the laundry? Today

Do you eat breakfast every morning? No

Do you wear contacts or glasses? I wear glasses

Does your best friend have contacts or glasses? What best friend?

Do you watch America's Funniest Home Videos? Nope

Do you like wearing sweaters? Yeah, when it's cold

Is your laptop currently charging? No cause I don't have one..

Have you ever had a manicure? Yeah, twice to be exact

Do you air dry your hair or blow dry? Air

Do you wet your tooth brush then put the toothpaste on or the other way? Always wet my toothbrush first

Have you ever had popcorn with caramel on it? Yep

Do you like to have camp fires in the summer? Yes, I love them and the way it smells.

Was it cold out today? Heck no

Have you ever seen the movie Hairspray? Yeah the new one

Do you want some candy right now? Not really

Do you like wearing dresses? Not at all lol

Are your arms hairy or just normal? They are normal

Would you ever shave your arms? I have before

Do you tend to agree with people just to fit in? No

Do you hate how some movies have songs every 5 minutes? Yes!! Especially the Disney movies my kids watch there's a song in every scene.

Would you rather have lived in the 60s or 70s? probably the 70's

Do you own one of those Livestrong bracelets? No

Are you currently fighting with someone? Nope

How tall are you? 5'1" I think

Would you rather dance forever or sing? Sing

Are you looking forward to tomorrow? No not really, I don't have nothing planned.

On a scale 1-10 how much do you like spaghetti? 10

What age did you stop playing with dolls? 13-14

Do you know someone who is so good at lying? Yes

Do you like scary movies? Sure do!

Do you believe that there's life out there somewhere else? Yeah

Would you rather visit: The Eiffel Tower or Egyptian Pyramids? Eiffel Tower

What smiley face currently expresses you?

Do you watch the show The Simpsons? Sometimes

Who is your favorite cartoon character? Spongebob

Who was the last person you held hands with? Nick

Would you like to work at a candy shop? Sure would

When you wash your hands, do you always use soap? Yes

Were you single on your last birthday? Nope

Did anything brighten up your day today? No not really

Would you like to go to New Jersey? I guess..

Have you heard of the Bed Intruder song? No..

Do you want to cut your hair? Yep

Has someone upset you within the last 48 hours? A little

Will you be dating someone within the next month? No because I'm married.

Do you like suckers? Yeah

Do you listen to Rihanna? I do

Next time you will leave the city you're in? Not sure

Have you ever had a really big fight with your best friend? Yes

Do you wear earrings? Yes

Do you own a red dress? No

Do you like slow or fast songs? Both

Do you have feelings for someone? Yeah u could say that lol

Do you like chocolate? Of course, ur crazy if u don't

Can money buy happiness? Nope

What's something you want really bad right now? My car back!

Just label everything with a true or false.--

You had a valentine this year. True

You have a crush. True

You have danced today. False

You have a Facebook. True

You hate getting yelled at. True

You like your first name. True

You're wearing socks. True

Your favorite type of quotes are life ones. False

You'll be going to a concert within the next 6 months. False

You use Herbel Essences shampoo. False

You enjoy reading. True

You would rather be a vampire than a werewolf. True

You can hula hoop. True

You hate going to the dentist. True

The last person you texted was your best friend. True

You have anger issues. False

You've been to Wal Mart within the past 2 weeks. True

You like tigers. True

You're wearing a necklace. True

It's past 8:00. True 8 a.m.

You enjoy scaring people. True

It's a school night. False cause I don't go to school

You still have your Christmas lights up. False

Someone made you smile today. True

previous entry: Car Problems

next entry: Friends

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Let's coil through this together and explain some answers..LOL

You don't wear your glasses. Why would you shave your arms? (just weird)

who made you smile? and in one part, you said, "what best friend?" and the next you said you texted your best friend.


[sumamenStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Haha - nothing like having your mom analyse all your answers!

[étoileStar|0 likes] [|reply]

lol!! Yes I know I never wear my glasses but I should. I don't have a best friend at the moment, well ur my best friend and I talked to u on fb today. Does that count as texting? Haha. Yes I shaved my arms once don't know why The silly kids made me smile today and maybe nick did once or twice.

[mkay|0 likes] [|reply]

cool beans

[Meli55aStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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