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Miss.Krystle's Diary
by Miss.Krystle

previous entry: I am a gummy bear.

next entry: Help please.

Survey by Estella.


1. When did you join Bloop? 

Originally, I joined back in like, 2002 or close to that...but re-joined again this year.

2. Why did you join Bloop? 

Because it's a place where I can rant, rave and talk about anything without having people I know read it and make the comments they already make in my every day life. 

3. What were your first impressions of Bloop? 

When I originally joined, I thought it was a great place. There were a lot of teenagers on the site at that time who seemed to share a lot of the same issues that I did. It was good to know I wasn't alone. Now, Bloop is fascinating. Some of the journals that arise on here are quite interesting to read. Others, annoy me. But there's always going to be a group like that no matter where you go. 

4. Who was your fave Blooper when you first joined Bloop? 

I don't really know many of the people on this site yet.

5. Who was your least fave (or most-hated/most-irritating/etc!) Blooper when you first joined Bloop? 

I don't know any names, but diaries that focus on preaching to others about how everything they say is right, and you're wrong, REALLY irritate me. Same goes with the mommy diaries that are all about "the right way" to parent your child and raise it...get over yourselves already. Not everyone is gonna do things YOUR way.

6. Who was the first Blooper you blocked, and why? 

Haven't blocked anyone as of yet.

7. Who was your first hater? 

I don't think I've ever had any. If I have, I'd be surprised. Mind you, right now Conservative Values seems to dislike me just a tad - not that I really care.

8. Who was the first Blooper to block you, and why? 

Don't think anyone has ever done that.

9. How many diaries have you had on Bloop? 

A number of them. I'd say maybe 3 at least.

10. How many diaries do you currently have on Bloop? 

Just this one.

11. Who is your fave Blooper now? 

Estella. Hilarious. 

12. Who is your least fave Blooper now? 

Not sure really.

13. If there was a Bloop trash can, which 5 Bloopers would you send there? 


14. How many Bloopers are on your FO list? 

I don't have one.

15. How many Bloopers are on your block list? 


16. Do you ever write FO entries? 


17. Are your FO entries gossip entries or personal entries, or both? 


18. How many Bloopers have you added on Facebook? 

None...although it would be interesting to add some of the ones I read regularily. 

19. How many Bloopers have you talked to on the phone? 


20. How many Bloopers have you met in real life? 


21. Do you divide your faves list into categories? (such as 'cool faves', 'annoying faves', 'ex-faves', etc) 

Really...what's the point?

22. If so, what are your categories? 


23. How many people on your faves list? 


24. Is there anyone on your faves list that you don't like but you read because they're so idiotic/dramatic that it entertains you? 


25. Have you removed anyone from your faves list this year? 


26. Have you blocked anyone this year? 


27. Have you ever left Bloop, planning to never return? 

Years ago. I never would have thought I'd be back here. LoL.

28. Do you have other online diaries/blogs on other sites? If so, which sites? 


29. Do you think you will leave Bloop sometime, or do you plan to stay for as long as it's around? 

I doubt very much I will be on this site forever. But I will stay as long as my interest is kept.

30. If Steve decided to abandon Bloop and give it to you, what would you do with it? 

I have absolutely no idea. Sx3.Layouts

previous entry: I am a gummy bear.

next entry: Help please.

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Aw - I'm your fave Blooper. I feel all special now.

[Always EstellaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Gosh, what has your entry layout done to my comment layout?? How did that happen?!

[Always EstellaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Have you seen my comment layout on the actual entry page, rather than the comment page? Like, the words are blacked out!

[Always EstellaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Im sorry please bare with me... I promise i wont be a bother for much longer...

[tiger_girl1202|0 likes] [|reply]

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