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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire [online now]

previous entry: harder, better, faster, stronger.

next entry: she keeps a toothbrush at my place, as if i had the ext

yeah there she was like disco lemonade. [photos]


girls' weekend was a roaring success!
- left on time, had a fun drive to winnipeg
- hit up the beauty place, had my brows threaded for the first time. slightly painful, but certainly nothing that would keep me from threading them again. in fact, i plan to have it done again next time i'm in winnipeg. my eyebrows look fantastic!
- went to st. vital. parking was INSANE but eventually we found a spot and did some shopping. i picked up a few cute (albeit basic) tops, as well as shoes. glorious shoes. [photos at the bottom]
the goal was purple. they didn't have the pumps i wanted, but i tried them on in another colour and the salesgirl told me they could ship the purple ones to my house, free of charge. awesome, eh? on top of that, i have a year to return them if they don't fit or i don't like them. so, they'll be here in 3-6 days. yippee!
but that's not all. i also scored an adorable pair of purple flats. love them!
- post-mall we went for sushi. on the recommendation of a friend we went to a place called miso. we ordered edamame, tempura vegetables, miso soups, and some sushi. the soup came, followed (too) quickly by the sushi. they completely forgot our apps, until we asked for the bill and this crazy old japanese lady gave us dirty looks and tried to insist that we wait for our tempura. we were all "eff that" and possed out of there. it's too bad that the service was cruddy because the sushi was wonderful.
- we headed to the hotel and checked in amid a lobby full of posh party-types, dressed in tuxedos and sparkley evening dresses. it was quite the sight. our room was on the 16th floor and quite comfortable.
a little underpants-bed jumping was followed by a trip down to the lounge for a yummy hot chocolate.
- we left for the movies. lindsay's gps refused to find the theatre we needed, so i just winged it. ange: 1, gps: 0. we went to see 'new in town'. it was just too fitting to skip, considering both the plot, and the fact that it was filmed in winnipeg and a nearby small town. the theatre was the most ghetto one i've ever been in, but it was cheap and we were 2 of 5 people in the theatre. so what if the audio cut out in the trailers, and the projector had to be shifted once the movie started because the top third of the picture was all that showed on the screen? it was a cute movie and i covet many of the shoes in it.
- back at the hotel, i sunk into my pile of pillows and slept like a baby.
- we checked out of the hotel around 10 this morning, and after "adventuring" our way around winnipeg, found a place for breakfast. i thoroughly enjoyed my eggs benedict and a themos of coffee.
- the weather was perfect for driving home, and we rolled into kenora just before 2 this afternoon. i feel so refreshed after spending just a couple of days out of town. it's nuts how this places gets to a person.

a few photos:

linds and i, driving to winnipeg

the view from our room this morning

new flats!

pumps! (in the mail)

previous entry: harder, better, faster, stronger.

next entry: she keeps a toothbrush at my place, as if i had the ext

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I am going to comment when I'm done cleaniiiiiing!
You are adorable!!!!

[-kayStar|0 likes] [|reply]

cuteee shoess!

[- misseriin*|0 likes] [|reply]

Shoes are soooooo cuteeee!

[gravity girlStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Sounds and looks like it was a good time

[Kate.Monster|0 likes] [|reply]

Sounds so fun. Except for mean sushi-lady. I'll make you sushi and won't bill you or give you dirty looks.
Yeah. Confirmation. Flats=Freakin adorable.

[Emma|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm not going to lie, I have never had eggs benedict. >.>
Is that blasphemy?

I'm so glad you had such a good time.
We are gonna do some major NYC shopping! For serious.

[-kayStar|0 likes] [|reply]

hahaha, I don't know how many years it's been since I heard the word, "cruddy." I love you and I'm glad you had a good time. Yay for eyebrows and shoes!

[__mixie|0 likes] [|reply]

ahhhh i love those shoes! and PURPLE! they're wonderful!

[let it be ☮|0 likes] [|reply]

I know it, but they revoked my passport when I smuggled in Brazilian naked man-dancers for the last one.

[Emma|0 likes] [|reply]

hahah, sameee. shoes are the best! i like your tattoo also. did it hurt on your foot?

[let it be ☮|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm in Les Miserables, as Eponine =]

[Emma|0 likes] [|reply]

ahhh yea i want one there also, something small. maybe. i dunno i want like six more tattoos hahaha ;P they REALLY are addicting.

[let it be ☮|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: harder, better, faster, stronger.

next entry: she keeps a toothbrush at my place, as if i had the ext

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