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Put your future in good hands - your own. ~Author
by ConfidenceIsBeauty

next entry: Introducing: Nikki

Introducing Sarah


It's me; Sarah

Hey, my name is Sarah.
Also known as canceroustears here on Bloop.

I never really had a problem with my weight growing up.
But when I got out of high school, and kept working at Subway, I gained weight like there was no tomorrow.
(Those Subway cookies are amazing.)

Weight Watchers

I tried Weight Watchers in an attempt to lose weight, and I stuck by my point base everyday, and didn't lose a pound.
Mind you, it did put me to where I didnt gain weight either.

Also, there were a lot of older ladies in the group I went too, so I didnt make any friends or gain any supporters.

That's what I am looking for here.

Car accident

I was in an accident 3 years ago, and while I lost 60 pounds due to it, I still have a lot of extra flab on my thighs and hips and stomach.

My specific goals

Right now, I believe I only have three.

  • To lose 30 pounds.
  • To learn how to eat healthier.
  • To stop drinking pop.

    I work at a pizza place.
    And so for the full 8 hour shift I mostly work, I drink pop, and only pop.
    And than I go home and sometimes drink pop.

    But the pop thing has got. to. go.

    I think a majority of my weight gain has come from me drinking pop.


  • next entry: Introducing: Nikki

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    Cutting pop out of your diet will make you surprisingly more energetic, as well. Good luck! =)

    [Adria's Mum.|0 likes] [|reply]

    i believe in you sarahhhhhh

    [ConfidenceIsBeauty|0 likes] [|reply]

    ^^ that was me.. oops

    [StaRRyEyDSupRizStar|0 likes] [|reply]

    Those are awesome goals. You can definitely do it! Maybe to help you get past the pop, you can drink some water flavored with lemon and lime juice? Another idea is to brew tea and keep it in the fridge. I love chai tea.

    [something amazing.|0 likes] [|reply]

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