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by the.path.i.chose

previous entry: Determined.

next entry: Sorting it out.



[Challenge Books l My Service Diary]


So, I pretty much wanted my house cleaned by the end of today. Yesterday, with all the enthusiasm I had, I managed to only get my room cleaned lol. ugh! So, I thought "Well, I have tomorrow and Saturday if need be" though I'd rather not. Then Michael reminded me that I have a mother's day tea with him today from 1pm to 2pm. I hate that! Why can't it be in the morning? Nope, it has to be smack dab in the middle of my day which sucks ass. It means not much will be getting done today either. Yesterday I had a ton of clothes on the line to dry cause it was all pretty. Well my brother came over and while I was reading he was online. Next thing I know he's shouting "oh shit" and running around like mad. I was like wtf cause he scared me since it was so quiet in here and he does that out of the blue. it had started raining. i was like seriously cause i'm looking out the window and i couldn't see it raining. so i got up and sure enough the road and sidewalks were getting wet and fast. so i ran and grabbed this basket. my brother was already out rolling up his windows. i go to go out and the rain is the HUGE fat drops and it's soaking everything fast. at first i was like fuck it then i said no cause the kids needed clothes. so i run up to the clothesline and start taking shit off pretty fast. i wasn't worried about the pins cause i could get those later so i was literally pulling them off and they were flying everywhere. i had six lines of clothes and i'm looking over my shoulder to see where my brother was so he could help. i didn't see him at his car or anywhere. so i get done and it was pointless cause the clothes were damp enough to not be wearable and when i come inside he's back on the comp playing his game. i was like wtf dude, you could have helped me. he comes over and uses my comp all the time, downloads shit on it when i told him from the start not to. now he's been printing stuff out. he comes in the other night saying he wanted to print out some guitar tabs to a song that he wanted to play and hands me some paper. he says so he doesn't have use up mine. i was like dan the paper isn't the problem cause it's cheap, it's the ink. the cheapest i could find it was $21 something PER cartridge. anyways, he's been a bit irritating lately. he got kicked out of school for ten days because they were doing car inspections and they seen a pack of cigs in his car. even though he's 18 he's not allowed to have tobacco on school property. but that wasn't what got him suspended. because they seen the cigs they did a search of his car and found a knife. he only had the knife because his wire strippers broke and he was using it to strip wires to hook up his stereo system and forgot to take them out. they actually tried to charge him criminally but the knife blade wasn't over the length limit so they couldn't. he has to go before the school board though. but he gets bored sitting at home, has no gas to go anywhere, friends are in school, so he comes to my house and plays on my computer whenever i'm not on it. ugh! he thinks he's smarter than me to. he dl'd a graphics animation program that makes lightswords and probably other stuff and also some game. so when i said something and mom said something about him dl'ding stuff on my comp he was like well i'll delete it cause i don't play it. i was like you'll delete it cause i said so whether or not you play it lol. he clicks on the icon and hits delete and he was like there it's gone. i looked at him and was like "are you serious, man?" do i look stupid or something? i told him to go uninstall it from the control panel and he was like oh yeah. i know that he knew this because of a convo we had the previous day cause he thought that i didn't know how to. he must of thought that i really didn't know how to. who knows. anyways, i've babbled way to much andd got waaaay off track so let me go get something done and i'll be back later on. :]

Ladida Layouts

previous entry: Determined.

next entry: Sorting it out.

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you're like the only person i know that line dries your clothes. i know it's cause you don't have a dryer but i mean still. anyway i like to buy clothes that fit me right of the rack, not buy bigger so i can shrink. so i hang dry almost all of my clothes. i usually just hang them on the bar that goes across the bathtub for my shower curtain. sometimes i hang em in my closet cause i have space since i don't hang up my clothes lol.

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