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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: "Sixty-nine, dude!!"

next entry: Food

50 Qs


"You must do the thing you think you can not do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

01. What are you hating right now?
I'm hating the fact that I'm STILL hurting. I'm hating the fact that hurting varies. It's never in the same place or has the same intensity.

02. Are you always running out of socks?
No, I have butt loads

03. What do you think of the name Ophelia?
I agree with Survey Sweetheart. Too easy a target. O-feel-ya.

04. Have you ever fainted due to the heat?
Heck no, I was born in the desert!

05. Do you like horses?
Sure, why not?

06. Who was the last person you knew of to die?
Supposedly, my grandfather but I was never told for sure.

07. What is your middle name?

08. Do you like starburst?

09. What is the temperature outside?
About 39, I think. The high today is supposed to be about 42.

010. Do you ever get spam or chain mail?
Yes and I delete them both. I figure I'm due for an eternity's worth of bad luck.

011. What do you do when you receive nasty comments on your xanga or myspace?
I don't get them.

012. How selfish are you?
I'm an only child so I guess I can be, at times, but it's been years since anyone's told me I was.

013. When you were little were you afraid of going upstairs on your own?
We didn't have an upstairs when I was young.

014. What has been the most ridiculous thing you have been scared of?
Poltergeist came out when I was a kid. Once I saw that, I couldn't sleep with my closet door closed for the longest time. After I moved out, I had a walk in closet that had a light. I'd gotten past the sleeping-with-the-closet-door-open thing but I always got chills when I turned off my bedroom light and saw that I'd left my closet light on. The whole light-glowing-around-the-door thing freaked me out. That and I still don't like swimming in a pool that I can't see the bottom of.

015. Do you think you would make a good mother?
I don't seem to be doing a good job lately...

016. Do you hate slang words like 'tits' and 'shag'?
Never really thought about it.

017. Who do you know that smells disgusting? one comes to mind.

018. What was the last movie you watched in full and enjoyed?
I don't remember

019. When you were young did you ever watch 'Doug' on Nickelodeon?

020. Are you currently drinking anything?
Mountain Dew - I'm working this morning and the damn cats kept me up all night.

021. When was the last time you travelled on a bus?
Years and years ago

022. What is your favourite fruit?
Strawberries or green grapes

023. Do you watch any British TV Shows?
How Clean Is Your House?

024. Have you ever kissed a guy with facial hair?
Every day

025. What is prettier, a sunset or a rainbow?
I like rainbows more because they're not an everyday thing like sunsets. Although, I have seen some knock out sunsets.

026. Do you believe in psychics?
Not really

027. Do you think Pink Floyd are over rated?
Meh, they don't do much for me.

028. Do guys look good with earrings?
Some can

029. Do you ever watch wildlife shows?

030. What is your favourite wild animal?
Tigers, I guess.

031. Do you get stressed out easily?
Depends on the stressor.

032. What is wrong with the world?
Many things.

033. Do you like hamsters?
Very much

034. Do you eat bananas?

035. Do any of your friends have ginger hair?
I do, thanks to the miracles of modern chemistry.

036. What is your favourite bookstore?
I drool over Barnes & Noble.

037. What is the most disgusting taste in the world?
I'd really rather not know, if that's okay with you.

038. What is your fathers middle name?

039. Would you pose naked in front of a million people for a million?
I don't know... Maybe for a million in cash. That way I wouldn't have to pay taxes on it.

040. If you had to sing one song in front of an audience of 1000 people, which song would you sing? Something silly

041. What are your distinguishing features?
My husband likes my eyes. I've always liked the shape of my mouth.

042. Do you hate using public bathrooms?
Sometimes, depending on where it is.

043. What is your favourite fastfood?
Our local Whattaburger.

044. Can you whistle?

045. Can you spell well?

046. Do you have any make up by Maybelline?
I doubt it.

047. Do you sweat easily?
Not really?

048. Can you play tennis?
I only tried it for a few weeks my freshman year in high school

049. Do you like massages?

050. Do you download music illegally?

previous entry: "Sixty-nine, dude!!"

next entry: Food

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