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Tell a stranger that they're beautiful.
by Brittney™

previous entry: Head down as I watch my feet take turns hitting the ground.

next entry: 'Cause I get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs.

I think I'm drowning, asphyxiated.


Time Is Running Out - Muse

Sidenote: I've had this typed out for a few days, but I forgot to publish it. Yeah, I know. Nice going, Britt. xD

I loveeee that song. (: Anyway, here I am updating again! Shocked? I know, me too. Lol. I just wanted to fill you guys in on how senior year has been going.

My classes... Well, my classes are amazing. I absolutely love everyone in my classes + 4/5 teachers. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. In case you didn't read my last entry, this trimester I have: Symphonic Band, AP Physics, Calculus, BST Excel/Access (Computers) & AP English. I dislike my Calculus teacher — Mr. Rama — because he's pretty much monotone, not exactly a great teacher and well, I just don't like him, lol. But the people in my class make it epic. I have Kelsey, Jimmy, Mark, Nick, Adam, Alyssa, Natalie, Cameron, pretty much everyone in that class. My group of 4 is me, Mark, Nick & Nick. It's quite hilarious. (:

The other classes are fantastic. I love AP English - it's so much more fun and creative than last year, which is definitely my forté. AP Physics is great. Mrs. Bailey is a fantastic teacher, and the kids in my class make the difficult subject enjoyable. BST is so much fun. I sit by Melissa, Alyssa & Zac and we basically do the work for the first 2/5 days, and then play games on the other 3 because we finish the work so fast. It's an easy A+, no joke. And Symphonic Band is Symphonic Band, lol. It's been the same since I got in there my first year at Anderson as a sophomore. Except - Kmet decided to go all "assigned seats" for the first time in like, ever? It's ridiculous. And we're playing all marching band music right now. It really sucks, but I still love playing my flute more than almost anything, so it's alright with me.

Anyway, that's school. It's fun, the homework's a bitch, but it's fun. Onto other school-related things. Like golf. Golf is awesome. We kick ass just like we do every year. The team beat our biggest competition by one stroke, which deems us still undefeated for this season so far. I have a feeling that we're going to be pretty well off by the end of the season, but I don't want to jinx anything that we have going.

Class congress is actually REALLY fun. The same people keep showing up to the meetings, which is making me closer to them, and I love it. We get a lot of stuff done that way, and it's just plain fun. We're so far ahead of the other classes that it's kind of ridiculous. We're actually in shock at how close we are to finishing. It's exciting!

Speaking of exciting, homecoming is just around the corner! I got my dress. (: It's from DEB. I wasn't aiming to get one from there, but I found it and I absolutely loveeeeeeee it. It's hard to describe, so I'll post a picture eventually (probably not, but hey, I'll just say that I will, aha). But for a brief description: it's decently short - slightly above the knees; there's a silvery-cream solid color part that looks almost like a slip, but not really; over that is a sheer black part that has lace and polka dots alternating with a big black bow in the middle. Yeah, that description makes it sound really ugly, but it's not, I swear! Lol.

Anyway, I better get going — I have some homework that I need to work on.

- Brittney

previous entry: Head down as I watch my feet take turns hitting the ground.

next entry: 'Cause I get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs.

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thanks!so am i!xoxoxo

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