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by the.path.i.chose

previous entry: ladifknda.

next entry: 12 years and still going. :]

Couldn't wait.


Couldn't wait.
So, I couldn't wait to take Michael to the doctor this morning. I felt so bad last night when he was laying there in bed, mouth fully open and sounding like he was wheezing though instead of it being in the chest it was in the mouth/throat area. I woke him up because we decided to make him sleep in the bed with me so I could keep my ear open for him. I told Jeff that I don't even think him being in the bed would help though because when I sleep I'm pretty out of it usually. I looked at his throat and I couldn't see it. All I could see was tonsils and the jiggly thing in the back of your throat. The glands or lymph nodes, whichever, on the sides of his neck right around the tonsils are on the outside were so swollen. It looked like he had attempted to swallow to walnuts whole. I was paranoid then because what if he was sleeping and they swelled to the point that he couldn't breathe? So, I took him to the hospital. They checked him for strep throat but that was negative which ruled out bacterial so it was viral and he basically just needs to tough it out. He has tonsilitis. blah. They can't give you anything for viral infections. But he did say that the swelling of the the neck and tonsils wasn't as bad as I thought it was. A lot of kids walk around every day with tonsils that big. I was like um, ok, but not my kid. He said that he would be fine just to take him to the doc if things seem to get worse but otherwise he'd be fine. Down the road they may decide that it is best to remove tonsils though apparently doctors aren't hardcore about the removal of them anymore. They gave me the doctor's note that I needed and we left. We didn't get home til like 1 am. It probably would have only been a 1/2 hour if we didn't have to wait for the strep test to come back. They were like that should only take a 1/2 hour...haha...try more like 1 hour. ugh. I don't usually go to the hospital on sunday's or monday's if we can avoid it because it is always packed. But last night it wasn't. We didn't have to sit in the waiting room or anything. This morning I woke him up to get ready for school. Jeff was like your gonna send him? I said I had to because the doctor's note said that he could go and there were no restrictions. But he was sooo tired. I felt so bad that I ended up keeping him home. School can kiss my ass. I think they wanted the note mainly because he's missed sooo much school. Hell he was out 2 days last week. But this time they should know that he was sick cause they seen if first hand and SENT him home so yeah. Besides, if we want to get technical he got the doc note today since it was after midnight.
So, now I get to spend my day doing what cleaning I couldn't get done yesterday though I believe I'm gonna take a nap first cause I'm tired to. Right now I have to go make breakfast cause Mikey's hungry. He doesn't have a sore throat or anything because of this. Have a great day! :]stats

Time: 7:56 am
Mood: tired
Tunes: t.v.
Thoughts: Why me?Ladida Layouts

previous entry: ladifknda.

next entry: 12 years and still going. :]

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wow t least your kid will getbetter now in time how old isyour son/daughter?

[IamMarina|0 likes] [|reply]

jelly seems to get tonsilitis at least once a year. she needs to have her tonsils out but she just hasn't yet lol.

[*~Tears.Of.Rain~*|0 likes] [|reply]

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