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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: Me & My Man + X marks the spot

next entry: More about me & my man

Took me two days to finish. Looong


"You must do the thing you think you can not do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday 3/4
This is LOOOONG. I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish it today. Co-worker Rachel is giving me a break by coming in to cover half of my shift in about 20 minutes or so.

The juice machine key solution was a success. Still don't know where the originals are but the copy works just fine.

I have to go to the store again today to get more bananas & apples for work. Sure would be nice to get paid for it.

Another work crisis resolved! Yay! It's too complicated for me to want to type it all out. Just know that I don't think it makes sense but it's their rules & we have to play by them. Either way, I got it figured out & taken care of.

Oh! All my dragon babies have matured. I was surprised that my 2nd guardian dragon turned out to be a girl. That shot down my breeding plans with the other baby I had who I knew would be a girl. Oh well. I tried breeding Fenn with Aija and Blay-Zing with Rozeen but neither one wanted anything to do with the other. I like the whole dragon baby thing but I don't know if I want to start anymore just yet. We'll see.

Now, let's see what we can get done.

Got any nicknames that you rarely even use?
Doodle, Cher

Nevermind what gender you ARE, what gender do you WANT to be?
I'm happy with being female, thanks.

Do you ever feel ashamed revealing your age?
Not yet but I'd like to stick with 34 for a few more years.

Have any allergies?
Just seasonal but DO NOT give me Percocet.

Are you confident enough to reveal your height and weight?
Yes and no.

What one personal rule you have that you want your surrounding to follow?
o_O huh?

When you get muscle soreness, where does it hit you the worst?
My legs

What do your parents call you?
Kid, Cher, Cherbear

Something you just cant stand no matter what?
No matter what? Tough call

Whats something that people do that you love?
Love me?

How old were you when you first got to go on the computer?
I took a computer class the summer before 6th grade, I think. Now, this was 85? so it was all very basic. We'd type a word in a specific code and then watch the computer put the word in the designated spot on the monitor.

** Time to go. My relief is here. I'll finish this tomorrow. **

Thursday 3/5

If you have a blog, facebook, myspace, etc, how long have you had it for?
No idea.

If you have a blog or website, advertise here: ha ha ha!

What age would you want to get married/did you get married?
I was 31

Any lovers atm?
Just my husband

When was the last time you had a crush on someone?
Long time...

Would you say you're an emotional person?
Oh, I can be. My husband yelled at me over the phone about something the other day. He immediately apologized because it wasn't me he was mad at but still... I'm apparently gearing up for my visit from Aunt Flo because the tears just started flowing because he yelled at me.

Have a kid or want to?
Have a stepson. Want a child of my own.

Describe your hair style right now?
Surprisingly good looking

A habit a lot of people around you notice you doing is?
No idea

Favorite artist?
Claude Monet

What's a fashion trend you would rather die than follow?
I don't know

Got any internet friends you've never met in real life?

Do you chat with alot of people on the computer or only few?
I've tried. No one wanted to talk to me.

Your favorite person you know in real life is..?
My husband

Are you a forgiving person?
For the most part

What's a color that suits you the best?

And a color you just can't pull off/don't want to?

Based on your running speed, what animal would you be?
A turtle

Got any hobbies?
Of course.

Can you read in public?
Yes but it doesn't sound as good as it does in my head.

Describe yourself when you were 6 years old?
Fat cheeks. I don't remember being sad alot but I pouted in SO many pics.

Right brained or left brained?
Left, I guess.

How much sleep do you get usually?
5-6 hours

Do you know your blood type?

What's your favorite astrologic sign?

What month do you wish you were born and why?
I used to wish I was born in February. I had a thing for amethysts.

Have any large dreams you're trying to achieve?
Continued consciousness. I could put my head down right now & take a nap. Not a good thing seeing as how I'm at work.

One thing you would like to change about yourself?

One thing you like about yourself?
My sense of humor

A type of personality you just cant stand?
Narrow mindedness

Your personality in one word would be?

Your appearence in one word would be?

Whats a talent you'd love to have?

The best prank you've pulled?
I emptied out Shawn's brand new container of coffee creamer & refilled it with flour.

If I gave you ten dollars right now, what would you do with it?
Buy lunch

What if it was a million dollars?
Sink it into an account somewhere and live off the interest.

A person or a thing you truly love from your heart?
My husband

A wish you have?
Warmth. It's cold in here!

Pokemon, Digimon, GI JOE, Barbies or other?

City type of person or country?
I've lived in the city most of my life. I'd like to try the country.

Ever take polls on the net?

Any word that you love?
Nothing comes to mind

What's something you're obsessed about right now?
Subway. I've been on a real sandwich kick lately.

If you had a typing battle, do you think you'd win?

Favorite type of candy?
Plain milk chocolate, gummi worms

How often do you clean your ears?
After I shower.

Brag about something!
My car's paid off.

Something you find unhealthy about yourself?

Words of wisdom?
The wisdom of words

Are usually the one talking or listening to others?

Your reaction if someone told you you look 10 years older than your age?
Thank them

Any favorite numbers?

Any weak spots?

Do you really badly want anything right now?
To go to sleep. To kill the dog for attacking my cat last night. To tell my husband that I'm mad at him for cuddling the dog afterwards like SHE was the one who got spooked. To eat lunch. To warm up

How much money would you say you have saved up?

Anything from your past you just want to forget about?

What does it take to earn respect from you?
*thinking about co-workers* Quit grumbling about it & just finish what you started.

Where were you born?
Phoenix Arizona

How many people do you live with?
2 others

How do you cheer yourself up?
Usually by watching America's Funniest Videos

What's something that makes you really stressed out?
Lack of money

Have any particular standard you look for in a significant other?
Honest communication, eye contact

Ever had a friend that was someone completely opposite to you?

Are you any good at science?
I liked doing experiments but I had a harder time understanding the text books sometimes.

Highlight of the day?
I solved another crisis at work. Granted, I was the cause of 90% of it but I was able to solve 100% without involving the manager or the owner. Yay me! *whew*

Do you go on any forums on the net?

What do you think of your voice?
*shrug* It's mine.

A smily face you use alot?

Do you use msn-lingo?

Got any secrets you honestly can't say to anyone?
I'll be damned if I'm gonna tell the manager about my little screw up that I fixed earlier today!!

Best horror movie?
Poltergeist freaked me out the most and for the longest time.

Believe in voo doo?
Not really.

Think anything lives forever eternally?
Forever eternally? As opposed to forever next week? Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?

Tacos or Burritos?
Depends on my mood

The most annoying question on these surveys?
Yeah, I'll go with Survey Sweetheart on this one. "What you doing right now?" Fucking DUH!

Whats something you do when you're dead bored?
Pointless surveys that I'll forget about 10 minutes after I finish.

Ever made a survey?

What do you think of people who speak their mind?
I think it's a good thing as long as you don't let it run away from you.

How do you act to people around you crying?
What are the variables? Do I know the person who's crying? Why are they crying? Is it my place to offer comfort to this person?

What's something you've tried really hard at?

How do you say good byes?
Either 'Bye! or See you later.

previous entry: Me & My Man + X marks the spot

next entry: More about me & my man

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[ddfrogerStar|0 likes] [|reply]


[Lady StaRRyEyDSupRizStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I love the quote at the top of your entry! It makes me smile every time =]

Yay for solving the work crisis XD Even though that paragraph made no sense what so ever =P

Was the pouting the in thing when you were 6 years old?! LOL That's funny XD I never pout in my pics XD

RYC: hahaha I can sell my energy on Bloop then and make profit =P It's 3:36am right now and I'm still wide awake XD It could be due to the fact that I woke up on 1:30pm though so... XD

[Giggle|0 likes] [|reply]

LOL I bet he was shocked when he went to use that creamer.

LoL Forever next week.

Yes, fucking DUH

[Moonlight Sonata|0 likes] [|reply]

Hey, I got your postcard today! Thank you, it was HILARIOUS
Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

[JaimeStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Ugh i hate those damn dragons...but i can't resist either, every time you comment me i just have to click on one

[survey this|0 likes] [|reply]

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next entry: More about me & my man

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