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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: Food

next entry: 1 day down, 9 days to go

Saturday morning swipage from Survey Sweetheart - 136 Q


1)What's the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
Hit the snooze button

2)Do you prefer a shower or bath?
I'd rather have a bath but I feel cleaner after a shower.

3)How many times a day do you brush your teeth?

4)How often do you find yourself thinking about your ex?
I don't think about any recent exes. I have one that I think about a lot, Keith. We broke up back in '91 and have been best friends since.

5)What kind of cell phone do you have?
A Net10 burn phone.

6)What would you do with a 10 bill you found on the ground?

7)What would you do with your significant other if you knew today was your last day with them?
Many things

8)Have you said "I love you" today?

9)What's one thing you actually remember about kindergarten?
I remember sitting in the middle of the class while all the parents lined up to sign paperwork. My teacher's name was Mrs. Brotherton but we called her Miss B. She had bee decorations all over the place.

10)Did you cry at your graduation or smile because you were glad it was over?
I smiled because I made it by the skin of my teeth.

11)Are you closer with your mom or dad?

12)Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun?
The sun but I don't tan

13)Is chocolate really better than sex?

14)What's 2 of your favorite movies?
Rebecca and The Women, both 1939

15)What's the last thing you think about before going to sleep at night?
It varies nightly.

16)What would you do if your best friend jumped on your ex the day after you two split?
Say good bye & close the door.

17)How many rumors have you heard about yourself?
None, really

18)Which one did you find to be the funniest?

19)Does your life seem to revolve around drama?
Only if I'm at my in-law's

20)What's a nickname you go by?
Cherbear, to a chosen few.

21)How do you calm down when your extremely angry?
I listen to Metallica and let it run it's course. Once I feel like I've got to turn the radio down, then I'm safe.

22)Do you prefer to work hard or hardly work?

23)What are 3 places you want to see in the world?
That I haven't already seen? The maternity ward as a healthy expectant mom in labor. Our first house. London, England

24)A movie or a long walk in the park on the first date?
How about both? (I'm agreeing with this.)

25)What are 3 of the first things you notice about the opposite sex?
Eye contact, body language, smile

26)Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully not here. I didn't mean "not here" as in not on Bloop but "not here" as in not still working here.

27)In 10?

28)Do long distance relationships actually work out?
Some can, provided it's not long distance for too long. Mine did.

29)Ever thought you met "The One"?
Yes and I married him too.

30)What are 2 of your favorite places to eat?
All this talk is making me hungry. Locally, Cracker Barrel and Old South Restaurant

31)3 of your favorite places to shop?
I don't know

32)Do you currently have a job?

33)Which would you rich and miserable, or poor and extremely happy?
How about rich and extremely happy? Can that be an option?

34)What's one of your favorite TV shows?

35)Does your life revolve around drama?
I answered this already.

36)What did you want to be when you "grow up"?
A mom to my own child.

37)Would you ever date someone covered in tats and piercings?

38)What's your favorite perfume or cologne for the opposite sex?
Whatever my husband wears.

39)Do you believe the first kiss tells you everything you need to know about the relationship?
No! What a lot of pressure for just one kiss.

40)Where do your hands go when kissing someone?
None of your business.

41)Do you know who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Of course.

42)How many showers do you take in one day?

43)Are those better when you've got someone to join you?
Yes. Too bad we have such a crappy water heater.

44)Would you want a house at the beach or in the mountains?

45)Which would you rather have...a huge walk in shower or a jacuzzi bath tub big enough for 2?
Definitely the jacuzzi for 2

46)What are 2 of your favorite colors?
Red and pink

47)Do you look up or at your feet when you walk?
I look up. Shows confidence.

48)What do you think about people that are extremely skinny and actually likes the way they look?
EXTREMELY skinny? I dunno

49)Who do you prefer...Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?
Neither, really.

50)What's your favorite ice cream?

51)Do you like Starbucks...or are they just overpriced?
Way overpriced

52)Are you a prep or a jeans-and-t-shirt type of person?
Jeans & Ts.

53)What color are your eyes?
Hazel-y green

54)Do you have glasses or contacts?

55)Ever had someone you love tell you they never want to see or talk to you again?
No, thankfully

56)How many times has an ex just called you up when you least expect it?
Many times. Keith, one of my best friends who's also an ex, used to call me up because he was bored at work. Yeah, problem is that he was working nights at the time. "Hey! Whatcha doin'?" "It's 4:30 in the morning! I'm sleeping!!"

57)Is it love at first sight or lust?
Lust, usually.

58)Which do you want...a big extravagant wedding or a quiet intimate ceremony?
ELOPE!!! Save yourselves the inevitable drama & the expense. If I wasn't an only child, and a daughter to boot, I would've eloped. We came close once but we didn't have our rings and I didn't want to do that to my dad.

59)What's the most expensive thing you own?
Shawn's car.

60)What's the most you've ever spent on a pair of jeans?
$30, I think.

61)What color are your bedroom walls?

62)Do you ever actually make your bed?
When we change the sheets.

63)How many pillows do you have to sleep with?
Just one. A king size extra firm

64)Do you prefer to sleep alone or with someone?
With someone

65)What is one of your pet peeves?
Messy work space

66)What could you tolerate...someone who snores or a sleep walker?
Someone who snores. Breathe Right + ear plugs = Zzzzz.....

67)What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Went on a motorcycle ride up to Sunset Point at 1 a.m. in January. I wasn't dressed for it and the guy I was riding with was doing speed at the time, which I didn't know.

68)Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump?

69)Ever been outside of the US?

70)Ever think Texas should just be part of Mexico?
I think Texas thinks it should just be Texas.

71)How much do you think your house would be worth if it was setting in the hills of California?
I have no idea

72)What do you honestly think about the kids on Sweet 16?
I've never watched that show.

73) Are the shows on MTV too fake?

74)Do you have to have some kind of noise to fall asleep?

75)What time is it right now?
11:33 a.m.

76)What's your zodiac sign?

77)How long does it usually take you to get dressed?
5-10 minutes

78)Do you prefer to call or text someone?

79)Who is your celebrity heart-throb?
Jon Bon Jovi or Johnny Depp

80)Would you have survived 100 years ago?
I don't know. Did people used to die from chicken pox? Other than screwed up teeth, that's the only semi-serious thing I've had.

81)What do you think the world will be like in 30 years?
A better place, I hope

82)Do you have to be the center of attention?

83)Do you save your money or spend it when you get your hands on it?
A little of both

84)Are you a party animal or someone who prefers to stay in?
Depends on who's having the party

85)Ever been told you are "The Life of The Party"?
*snort* Not even close

86)Did you get a new year's kiss?

87)What was one thing you wanted for your birthday you didn't get?
A plane ticket to Phoenix

88)Are you a happy person?
For the most part, I guess.

89)If money was no option...what type car would you own?
A Dodge Caravan that has two sliding doors. I'd want the keyless entry & DVD packages.

90)Do you think you could actually survive the cost of living in California or New York?

91)How many concerts have you been to?
A few

92)What are 3 set radio stations in your vehicle right now?
98.5, 100.3 and 105.1

93)Do they "wear-out" good songs by over playing them?

94)What's one thing you always said you'd never do but have done?
I'd rather not talk about it

95)Have you ever flat ironed your hair?
No but I had it straightened once. Didn't like it.

96)What's the most you've ever payed for shampoo and conditioner?
However much Pantene costs

97)Was it actually worth it?

98)Ever been told your a flirt?
No but my husband's called me a tease.

99)What have you done that you are proud of?
I'm making a marriage work that my parents thought I wouldn't. I helped get my husband get through his cancer.

100)Do you go to church every Sunday?
No but I wish I did.

101)Do you have a hidden talent?
I don't know. It's hidden, remember?

102)Are you an adrenaline junkie or someone who plays-it-safe?
I definitely play it safe.

103)Do you like water parks?
Love them

104)What do you normally eat for breakfast?

105)What do you think of those people that will actually pay 0 per person to eat dinner?

106)Ever been called a tease?

107)What is one of your childhood memories?
My 3 story Barbie townhouse with an elevator

108)Do you like to cuddle?

109)Do you have an actual comforter on your bed?

110)Do you like the heat or cold weather?
Heat, anyday

111)What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?
She-Ra, Jem & the Holograms, Thundercats

112)Do you prefer dogs or cats?
The more time I spend with our dog, the more I realize that I'm a cat person.

113)When no one is you actually walk around naked?
No, the cats have destroyed the edges of the blinds so there are holes everywhere.

114)Have you ever seen a ghost?

115)What's the best movie you've seen recently?
Kung Fu Panda - "There is no charge for awesomeness. Or attractiveness."

116)Do you prefer scary movies or comedies?

117)Ever had a huge crush on someone and never tell them?
Of course

118)Did your high school have the clicks like Mean Girls?
Doesn't every one?

119)Are you a bashful or outgoing person?
I'm more on the bashful side

120)If you could change one thing about your body...would you?
I'd like to get rid of this pinched nerve.

121)If someone held a gun to your head and asked you..."Do you believe in God?" what would you say?
Yes, of course.

122)Would you drive 1000 miles for the one you love?

123)What was one thing you was given as a child and still have?
I don't know. I haven't looked in those boxes for years.

124)Do you have a favorite shirt or pair of jeans you wear over and over?
I have to. I only have one pair of jeans. I have other pants. Slacks, sweats, capris but only one pair of jeans.

125)Will you move away from your hometown any time soon?
I did, over 5 years ago.

126)Would you actually relocate for the one you can't live without?
Have you read my front page?

127)Does love really make you act crazy?
It can

128)How many texts do you send on average a month?
Only 3-4 anymore.

129)Have you ever talked to a psychic?
A couple of times.

130)How many kids do you want?
At least one of my own

131)What's your favorite name for a girl and boy?
Katherine Grace or Nicholas

132)Have you ever actually snuck out of your house?
Never needed to

133)How many things have you done that your parents don't know about?
Quite a bit

134)Ever been taken to jail?

135)Have you ever had a pen pal?
Yes and no. I haven't had one before but I joined the Post Card Swap so I guess I do now.

136)What are you about to do now that this survey is over?
I'm going to make keys, vacuum & then go home & nap.

previous entry: Food

next entry: 1 day down, 9 days to go

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