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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: What would I do without my Sunday morning surveys?

next entry: 50 swiped Q's

Movie picks & randomness


Thanks to the woman who saves my Sunday mornings - Survey Sweetheart - who swiped this from someone on Xanga.

You Pick The Movies...

Name One Movie You Love:

Who is/are the main actors in this movie?:
Joan Fontaine & Laurence Olivier (before he was Sir L. O.)

What is your favorite quote from this movie?:
"You thought I loved her? You thought that? I hated her!"

Did you first see this movie in theatres?:
I first saw it when I was a kid on American Movie Classics

Do you own this movie now?:

Why do you love this movie?:
I can't really go into it without giving any spoilers. I can tell you that it's an Alfred Hitchcock film so that alone makes it worthy of a once-over. I can also tell you that you never find out Joan Fontaine's character's first name.

Name Another Movie You Love: Dogma

Who is/are the main actors in this movie?:
Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Jason Lee, Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Alan Rickman, Chris Rock

What is your favorite quote from this movie?:

Did you first see this movie in theatres?:
Y'know, I don't remember...

Do you own this movie now?:

Why do you love this movie?:
I just think it's a funny movie. The plot is original. Ben Affleck & Matt Damon are easy on the eyes & I like Jay & Silent Bob. Alan Rickman is one of my favorite actors & I think Chris Rock is a pretty decent actor.

Name One Last Movie You Love:
The Women (1939)

Who is/are the main actors in this movie?:
Rosalind Russell, Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford, Joan Fontaine

What is your favorite quote from this movie?:
"There's a name for you ladies but it's never used in high society. (pause) Outside of a kennel."

Did you first see this movie in theatres?:

Do you own this movie now?:

Why do you love this movie?:
It's witty & catty. Full of back stabbing. I'm sure they'd be called "frenemies" now. Plus I just love the fashions.

Answer Random Questions...

What is your favorite genre of film?:

Who is your favorite actor?:
Alan Rickman, right off the top of my head

Who is your favorite actress?:
Nicole Kidman

Who is your least favorite actor?:
Dirt Clod Gawd Damn (Jean Claude van Dam)

Who is your least favorite actress?:
Christina Ricci

Who is your favorite director?:

What do you think is the most overrated movie?:

What do you think is the most underrated movie?:
Not sure

What is your favorite musical?:
My Fair Lady

What is your favorite soundtrack from a movie?:
I'm too embarrassed to admit it.

What is your favorite animated film?:
Sleeping Beauty

What is one film you love that other people may not think you'd like?:
Kill Bill Vols. 1 & 2 - I've never been one for Quentin Tarantino films

What is your least favorite movie?:
Either White Men Can't Jump or Daddy's Dying. Who's Got The Will.

What is one movie you think is so bad it's good?:
Clash of the Titans starring Harry Hamlin

What is one movie that made you cry?:
Pearl Harbor

What is one movie that you laughed so hard during it that it brought you to tears?:
I don't remember

What is the last movie you saw in theatres?:
National Treasure Book of Secrets

What is the last movie you rented?:
Oh hell, I don't remember

What is a movie you have yet to see that you really want to see?:
Keifer Sutherland's Mirror

What's a movie you've seen that the book was better?:
The last couple Harry Potter's.

What is one movie you recommend everyone sees?
Paradise Road with Glenn Close. It's a true story about a bunch of women who are taken to POW
camps by the Japanese in WWII Sumatra and how they survived.

previous entry: What would I do without my Sunday morning surveys?

next entry: 50 swiped Q's

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