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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: Movie picks & randomness

next entry: Figured I'd swipe one from someone else for once

50 swiped Q's


1. How many Xanga's do you have?:
I have a Bloop, Myspace & Facebook

2. Have you ever seen a tornado?:
No but I've seen the precursor. We watched the storm clouds blow across town. It got about 20 miles outside of town & then dropped a nasty one on the next town over to the east.

3. Are you taller than your mom?:
No, I'm shorter than both my parents. Thanks, genetics!

4. Are you an emotional person?:
I can be

5. What do you think of cheerleaders?:
I'm sure they serve a purpose somewhere.

6. Do you like Taking Back Sunday?:
Never heard of it/them

7. Who do you want to kiss right now?:
My husband

8. What did you have for breakfast today?:
Apple juice & a hotel-continental-breakfast-sized bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios

9. If you could meet one celebrity, who would you want it to be?:
Someone who's not full of him/herself

10. What are you listening to right now?:
Just the white background noise of a quiet hotel.

11. What kind of books do you like to read?:
Romance, suspense, mysteries

12. What would be the worst way to die?:
Painfully & slowly

13. Do you crack your knuckles?:

14. What was the last thing to make you laugh?:
Not sure

15. What are any weird impuslive habits that you have?:
Um, checking the coin slots on payphones?

16. Have you ever lived in an apartment before?:
5 of them

17. What is your favorite thing to do on a lake?:
Fishing, I guess. I haven't caught any fish but I did catch one of those water spiders once. I was reeling in my line &when I pulled it up, there was a spider hanging off of it. I dropped the line into one of the bushes close by & he took off.

18. What color are your finger and toe nails painted?:
They're naked.

19. What are any nervous habits that you have?:
I flick my left forefinger's nail with my thumbnail. I used to chew the corners of my lip.

20. Can you say "I love you" in french?:
No but I can in German. Ich liebe dich.

21. Do you own any lacey underwear?:
A pair or two

22. What food are you craving right now?:
I'm not really craving anything. I just want Domino's to hurry up & deliver the sandwich I ordered. I'm hungry.

23. What are your plans for the day/night?:
I'm going to finish the work day & then go pick up Chris from the in-law's. After that, I'm going to make dinner at some point, put Chris to bed, send Shawn to work & go to bed myself.

24. Have you ever broken your nose before?:

25. Write down a funny movie quote here:
"There's a name for you ladies but it's not used in high society. (pause) Outside of a kennel."

26. Has anyone ever seen you naked before?:

27. What is one band that you and your parents all like?:
Oldies from the 60's. The Temptations, The Four Tops, The Four Seasons, Leslie Gore and such.

28. Do you have any trophys?:
Just a trophy husband. LOL! He would so roll his eyes if he read this.

29. What was your favorite TV show as a kid?:
Wow... The original You Can't Do That On Television!, She-Ra & Jem & the Holograms (which I can now watch on YouTube!) are the 1st ones that come to mind

30. Who was the last person to ask you out on a date?:
My husband

31. Has anyone told you a secret lately that you aren't allowed to tell anyone?:
No. Well... yeah. My FIL is having some health problems & is apparently acting a little goofy. My MIL thinks it's because whatever cancer he supposedly has has moved into his brain. She's a bit of a dramatic & a hypochondriac so I don't know that it's true or not.

32. Are you addicted to anything?:

33. What are your most expensive pair of shoes and how much did they cost?:
The most expensive shoes I have are the walking boots I bought from REI for my trip to Ireland. I have no idea how much they cost. I'm guessing somewhere around $70? Totally worth the expense. We went in February & my toes were never cold. Definitely one of my best investments.

34. Do you like Nickelback?:
Very much

35. Who is your favorite superhero?:
I answered this one already. Wonder Woman or Super Girl

36. Do you like Ferris Wheels?:
It's more like I make myself get on them. I'm afraid of heights.

37. Do you like to dance in public?:
No, I feel like a fool.

38. What bands do you have posters of?:
None anymore

39. Have you ever caused a car accident before?:

40. Who gives the best gifts?:
My Uncle Doug, because he does a lot of traveling.

41. Are you any good at basketball?:

42. What is something embarrassing that you have done?:
Junior High

43. What was the last thing your parents yelled at you for?: The last thing that really comes to mind happened right after my dad had skin cancer. I begged off of a family thing because I'd gotten REALLY sunburned. "We've already got one case of skin cancer in this family!" and so on. She was not a happy camper.

44. Do you have any scars on your head, if you do, what are they from?:
I have a scar on the underside of my chin from when I fell off the monkey bars.

45. Have you ever punched a hole in the wall?:
No but I've put a couple of dents in the car

46. Have you ever been to a party at someones house when their parents were out of town?:
No, that was always my house.

47. Do you think you are a good kisser?:
My husband thinks so.

48. Does the future make you more nervous or excited?:

49. How many pull-ups do you think you can do?:
Are you serious?

50. Write down some good song lyrics here:
I can't really think of any right now.

previous entry: Movie picks & randomness

next entry: Figured I'd swipe one from someone else for once

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