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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: 1 day down, 9 days to go

next entry: The first Lasts & Currents of March

29 Q's before bed


I figured I'd do one or two of these before bed tonight. Actually, I think I'll just do this one and then head in.

Chris is sick. Has been, actually. He spent the weekend at his grandparents, as usual, since I work 7a - 3p. Shawn works overnights and so doesn't get home until after 8 usually. He was worse when I went to pick him up this afternoon. I'm sure it didn't help him that his grandfather smokes like a chimney. He's going to stay home tomorrow but since we're both working tomorrow and I can't call in, he's going to have to stay at his grandparent's house again. Joy, right? A real catch 22.

1. What time is it?
11:17 p.m.

2.What is something you are excited for?
Not this coming Tuesday but the one after that.

3. What is your favorite hobby?

4. Are you tired?
A little

5. Last time you wore sweatpants?

6. Do you like macaroni n' cheese?
It's one of my favorite comfort foods.

7. Do you have your own digital camera?
Yep. It's sitting right up there.

8. Do you like Shrek?
I do but I haven't seen the third one.

9. Are you still in school?
No but I'd like to be

10. Who do you live with?
My husband & stepson

11. What is something you can tell me about your best friend?
Shawn recently bought me a pink and black baseball glove so that we can play catch once my leg straightens itself out.
I haven't to either Jen or Keith since before Christmas, really.

12. What is your favorite color?
Either pink or red

13. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Just my husband.

14. Last movie you watched?
I'm watching National Treasure right now.

15. Last person you texted?
Jen, this morning.

16. Have you ever been out of the country?
Yes, my family & I went to Ireland for a week

17. Do you like to travel?
Not right now. My leg's too messed up. I'd never be able to get comfortable.

18. Who is your Mom's best friend?
I have no idea. I'd like to say my dad but I don't know if she has a best girl friend.

19. Who is your favorite cousin?
Kathy Ann

What happened to #20?

21. What book are you reading?
Oh boy. I'm reading two right now.

The first one is written by L. L. Foster who I'm familiar with when she writes as Lori Foster. I got this one because of the little blurb in the back of the last book of hers I read. It's a little different genre. Supernatural but still a romance. I started reading it the other night. Yeah! Not your brainless little bedtime read! A little too gory.

The second one I came across purely by accident. I love it when that happens. I'm fascinated by this one. It's called Price of Honor - Muslim Women Lift The Veil of Silence on the Islamic World. I've always been interested in women's studies as well as different religions. Combine the two and I'm hooked.

22. Last hardware store you went to?

23. Last person you said goodnight to?

24. Do you eat granola bars?

25. Did you ever own any "Rock'm sock'm Robots"?
*rolls eyes* Please

26. Did you shop on Black Friday?
Nope, we were broke and I was working.

27. Do you know any vegetarians?
I don't think so.

28. Do you like a lot of salt on your foods?
I don't add salt but I probably eat a lot of foods that have higher levels of sodium. Boxed dinners and the like.

29. Name someone you haven't seen in a while?
All of my friends and family

previous entry: 1 day down, 9 days to go

next entry: The first Lasts & Currents of March

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RYC: I had the space heaters on for them today when I was there, so hopefully the rooms retained some of that heat for awhile. I wish I could leave them on, but I'd be terrified a fire started or something. And I don't have a heating pad, but it'd be the same fear. I wish I could bring them HERE for the week, but I can't. If it's insanely cold over there I'll have to get in touch with John because I think the last of his oil ran out this morning. Figures that it just got reallllly cold here (high is below 30º for the next 2 days, it'll be 10º tomorrow night before wind chill). It'll be in the 50s by the end of the week again.

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