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sheissuffering's Diary
by sheissuffering

previous entry: CWA

next entry: Aberystwyth

stuff has actually happened...


I'm not sure what I wrote about the last time I did an entry and now I cant be arsed going back to check. The short of it is that I am now out to my parents, although it has not been mentioned since that day. This is fine by me.
More importantly, I can't believe I'm actually typing this for real, but I have managed to bag myself a very lovely girlfriend :] Sarah is in Songbirds with me - she's 38...yes, 10yrs older than me, but it's kinda irrelevant to me, lives in my hometown so only five mins drive from me, and works in the same sort of field as me (third sector). We'd been out for a drink & then went to St Fagan's the next day (last Saturday and Sunday), then Tuesday she came over to watch Les Mis on DVD but I was exhausted and fell asleep on her for most of it kinda embarrassing but she thought it was funny...! On Friday we took the leap and made it official so to speak, and after we did our concert at the senedd we walked back to mine as I said I would give her a lift home. She came in for a cuppa as it wasn't too late and she did end up making a move =)
The funniest part about all this is that Diane (our musical director at choir) has been watching us chatting via twitter and knew something was up... when Sarah went for her singing lesson on Thursday she asked her about it and then when Sarah said yes we had been out a few times, Di asked if we were keeping it quiet, to which she said I guess it's more or less public knowledge, especially as when we went to Wagamamas after the concert, we were spotted holding hands under the table...

It's early days, but I'm happy. She's quite shy, so I need to push a bit sometimes...

previous entry: CWA

next entry: Aberystwyth

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OH MY GOD! Beyond chuffed for you xxx

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