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sheissuffering's Diary
by sheissuffering

previous entry: squiz

next entry: DePhoMo day 1

college and stuff


I'm not dead! Just thought I'd update a bit so people didn't think I was some weird stalker type. college is going well, only 2 weeks left now, this makes me very sad I'm enjoying it so much and I really want to take level 2, but I gotta pass this course first! I think I will though, because I only have four criterion left to evidence, I should have done 2 in my last homework (find out tomorrow), I'll almost definitely get another done in this weeks, and the final one to fulfil is that I have to provide feedback to others, which will probably be done in the last week. Gotta start saving up then for the second year! 264 quid for the course, which is an academic year long. not bad!

everyone i know who is/was pregnant is doing well, 20 weeks for chloe, 30 for sarah, and jenna had her baby boy 2 weeks ago at last! YAY! Christmas is coming up soooo fast though, I'm not ready for it! I got some ideas for pressies but need to get paid, so i can buy them!

not much else to say, might see alex tomorrow, so ridiculously excited about that , I can't even think about it from nerves xD Have to choose something nice to wear to college tomorrow hahaha.


previous entry: squiz

next entry: DePhoMo day 1

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