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Doing my best...That's all I can do.
by Just_live

previous entry: As of today

next entry: What else can go wrong?

I'm not ready for the handshake with death...


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I've stopped bleeding!
Yay for me.
Hopefully that will mean that I haven't dilated anymore too.
The more I think about it the more I want to go closer to my due date.

They told me it was really good that I was dilating though.
It meant that my body knew what to do and all that.
Which makes me happy.

I've decided that after Zach i'm going to try and get that birth control thing that's shaped like a t.
I think it would be perfect for me.
And honestly, how the hell could I have an allergic reaction to that?

We're getting ready to go home right now.
We got the bassinet and a few other things.
I'm super excited to get it all set up and everything.

We also got the other Kitten that will be Mutts little friend.
I call her Button.
Hopefully he likes her.
If not oh well, because that's the one he's getting.

I'm going.
Ta Ta.

love must be as much a light...
as it is a flame.


previous entry: As of today

next entry: What else can go wrong?

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yay for no more bleeding!

[BrownEyedMonkeyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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