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BunniiBoo's Diary
by BunniiBoo

previous entry: Well well.

next entry: What a Day..x

Phewww! <3


Been a couple for weeks and thought I'd make another entry, been planning to do so for ages now, just haven't got around to it, So here goes.

As you know I had a horrible Christmas, one I'm unlikely to forget for a long time, but on the brighter side of things - The next few days after Xmas was amazing, I got so drunk man, like..Duuurunkkk I'm not even kidding.
It really helped though, made me feel a lot better.
Boxing day, me my boyfriend and a load of friends went to the social club in my village, because our friends band was playing, It was really boring at first, then I necked a few and the night turned out hilarious, was great.
Then, the few nights after that I went to the pub with the same friends, was awesome, just to get away from things, especially at a bad time.

BUT, moving on, New years eve was amaaazing! We all went out pretty much, including my fiance who stupidly drunk two and a half litres of cider, and then another six bottles of magners before leaving for the NYE do, hahah he was so pale for a few hours, was hilarious.
I got so drunk I ended up doing karaoke, singing the Ting Tings - That not my name, Oh my god I felt like such an idiot the next day, but I wouldn't change that night for the world, everyone was happy [ Until the end, when my friend drank a bit to much and got a little..psycotic. ]
But yeah, was amazing.
Hopefully this year will be better then the last, I'm sure everyone could do with it.

ANYWAY, thats done, I know it's a little late but I hope every has a good new year!

You only live once..x

previous entry: Well well.

next entry: What a Day..x

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