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Just a Dreamer.
by screambrandi2012

previous entry: i'll survive

next entry: insomniac?

quotes, quotes, quotes, #2



•Being a strong person means knowing that in the end, everything is going to be okay.

•Is anybody satisfied with who they really are?
Yuu could be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.
yu've got to learn to swim if yuu can't walk upon the sea, so I'm learning to live with me.

keep yurr expectations low
all of yurr hopes high
drinks filled to the very top
and true friends by yurr side.

•There is nowhere else I could imagine wanting to be besides here in this car, with this boy, on this road, listening to this song. If he breaks my heart, no matter what the hell he puts me through, I can say it was worth it, just because of right now. Out the window is a blur, and maybe if we drive fast enough, the universe will lose track of us and forget to stick us somewhere else.

•Yuu and I should give it another shot.
I promise this time I won't run
unless it's to chase yuu.

•one heartbreak
two eyes crying
three words never said again
four hands that won't be held
five mornings yu'll pass him in the halls
six love notes, ripped and thrown
seven days a week yu'll think about him
eight sad songs a night before bed
nine wishes that never came true
ten years before he realizes yuu were the one

•How would yuu know if he really loves yuu?
It's when yuu scream, he's calm
When yuu slap him, he kisses yuu.
When yuu cry, he hugs yuu,
When yuu tell him that yuu hate him,
he tells yuu he loves yuu.

•there are days that i love yuu, and days that i don't.
days i'd like to be friends, and days that i won't.
days i'll pick up the phone and give yuu a call
days i'm so sad i don't want to ttalk to yuu at all
days i look back at all the things that we shared
days i question myself if yuu really even care
there's so many things i wish i could say, but i'm scared it will all come out in the wrong way
no matter how much time goes by, i'll always be by yurr side, cause i couldn't stop loving yuu, even if i tried

•every single person has at least one secret that would break yurr heart. if we could just remember this, i think there would be a lot more compassion and tolerance in the world.

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previous entry: i'll survive

next entry: insomniac?

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