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After A Life Full Of Laughter
by ~*~Bly~Jette~*~

previous entry: 365 Day Prompts Days 1-8

next entry: 365 Day Prompts Days 18-24

365 Prompts Days 9-17


day 9: things that make you happy

My family... my kids... they easily make me the happiest. If I've had a crappy day, being with them can completely turn that around.

day 10: what you think when you hear the words “be yourself”

I'm not sure really.. I guess being a teenager, I really struggled with knowing who I was up until I was 16 or 17.

day 11: the worst advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given

Pff... who knows. Maybe when my friend told me that I needed to give more of myself to a guy that was abusive because I refused to have sex with him.

day 12: the best advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given

I tend to not listen to good advice, lmao... Not sure, just a bad trait I guess XD

day 13: your favorite quote

"Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself"

day 14: write about something you believe in, anything at all

I believe in a lot of things... Marriage, pro-life, legalizing weed, harder punishment for child and animal abusers, and the list goes on and on.

day 15: a song that makes you cry and why

Oh man... There is a list of songs that can make me cry... it really depends on my mood and state of mind at the time of hearing the songs.

day 16: someone you trust

I'm very lucky, I have 5 very close best friends that I trust. There's Shawn, Shelley, Kim, Julie, and Thressa...

day 17: your idol and why you look up to them

Honestly, I don't think that I have an idol. To me an idol is someone you worship and God is the only one that I worship

previous entry: 365 Day Prompts Days 1-8

next entry: 365 Day Prompts Days 18-24

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