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by BloopSecrets

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Your brother's killing me


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I like you alot, i might even love you your the first person i felt this way towards i could see a future with us. Weve gotten past peoples negative feelings towards us as a couple since our age diffrence is huge. But why cant we get over the insecurities we have why are you always telling me im going to leave you for someone my age, like your brother. I will never cheat on you and i hate that you think all women are the same and will cheat on you with your brother. I am not like the rest of your women!

Your brother is an ass you know this i know this, he hates me and i hate him. But he lives with you, he has no job and is not looking for one he mooches off you for an on going 4 months how long will you let him do this. Youre getting behind in all your bills, since you are supporting him, i tried to make it work for everyone to be happy and its just not working and you know this, what you dont know is your brothers ass like ability towards me is getting unbearable i dread going to your house because i know hes there, your brother is ruining our relationship. Not the way you think but just his being there always makes me want to not visit you because i cant stand being stuck around your brother too.

How do i fix this, im ready to break up with you because your brothers so rude and you do nothing about it to defend me, if you dont defend me around your brother who will you defend me towards. Either your brother stays with you or stay. Which will it be? The sad part is i think youll pick him.

previous entry: Thoughts of you

next entry: fatty mc fat fat

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I really think you should tell him how you feel. Write him a letter if that makes it easier. And talk to his brother, yourself, maybe. Tell him that he is ruining your relationship. Maybe he won't care, but you never know, he might. I hope it will work out!! I'm sure your boyfriend would really be heartbroken if you left him b/c of his brother's actions.

[earth ♥ angelStar|0 likes] [|reply]


You should tell him exactly what you just told us. & if he picks his bro then he is not right for you and you deserve better.

[Khoquetishღ|0 likes] [|reply]

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