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What's your secret?
by BloopSecrets

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I'm a racist


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Seriously. I'm a white woman who is terrified of black men.

Whenever I see a story on the news that talks about a black man being arrested for a violent crime, I think to myself, "It figures."

Never does it cross my mind that the man in the picture might be innocent, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or was mistaken for someone else.

Just now, I read a news story about a black man who beat the hell out of his white wife, and he forced their 12 year old son to video the whole thing. Their 8 year old son also was in the room, watching all this. Both boys were supporting their father, yelling "whore" and other nasty words at their mother.

The man eventually said that there were demonic spirits in the house that drove him to beat her. That is bull. I think he is just a typical black man who can't control his temper.

If that black man was on fire, I would not piss on him to put the fire out.

After reading enough stories like this, all black men are like that to me.

So I hate black men. I'm afraid of them. I don't want them to even look at me. I wish we could ship them back to Africa

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I used to think like that.
But as I grew up, I realized that not all black men are like that.

And there are white men that act just the same as the black men you described do. They're men who don't respect women.

Hate ignorance, and people who do a poor job of instilling values on their kids--not a race.

♥ →

[JessicaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

wasn't that on dr. phil or oprah? i thought she was half-white?

[to be sincere|0 likes] [|reply]


[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Stop being an ignorant person. Crime isn't only commited by black people, white people commit crimes, too. There are black people out there that live normal straight lives like you and I that are wonderful people to know.

[Greta Garbage|0 likes] [|reply]

Roflmao. Everyone is racist in to one degree or another. Those who say they arent are lying. Personally, I wish I could just ship everyone to Africa and use the States as my own private island for me and my friends (until they annoy me, then it's off to Africa...) but that's not very nice so I'm just anti-social instead. Bottom line is that what you think and how you act towards others are two very different things. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing wrong with being racist as long as you dont hurt anyone, or insult them, etc. Do unto others, and such.

[Poetic Justice|0 likes] [|reply]

thats a very ignorant view on black men. i feel the same to a lot of black men because a lot of them look at me and treat me like im a piece of meat. what you dont see is that not all of them are like that.
do you even realize how many WHITE MEN are like that too?
but its not like anyone can change your view on that.
only you can find the strength in you to change that.
doesnt sound like your too willing though.

[Confused|0 likes] [|reply]

Unfortunately, the media tends to exaggerate crimes committed by visible minorities. It's not your fault that the media reinforces these stereotypes, but it is your responsibility to think about what the media throws at you and not just accept it as "truth"... especially since the news is highly subjective and only paints a partial picture of reality.

[//movielayouts//Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Woah...I guess I'll just uh, pretend I'm not mixed. lol Probably not as funny as I think it is to anyone else, but if it helps, everyone is a little bit racist.

[Brent Alejandro|0 likes] [|reply]

i am the complete opposite truthfully. sometimes ill look at those (mostly african america or puerto rician) and feel bad. i am pretty sure i go out of my way to help them out whenever i can, but i think that is mostly because my sisters ex was murdered and he was black. so i think every one of color as having gone through these situations, which is horrible to do.

[take me there|0 likes] [|reply]

lmao, i'm sorry but this really is funny. Even funnier that you're totally serious! haahaha

[Khoquetishღ|0 likes] [|reply]

it's kinda funny how everyone is talking like it's only 2 races in the world. [white and black] wtf.

[LiL ViCiOUS-;*|0 likes] [|reply]

Not only "black men" do things like that. I've herd of a mexican, white, asian(all race you can think of) that has done something close to that. It really doesn't matter what race you are, no one is the same just cause of the race they are.

[_anayy|0 likes] [|reply]

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