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What's your secret?
by BloopSecrets

previous entry: I can't bring myself...

next entry: Thoughts of you

A Little Sad


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Over the last three years, my boyfriend and I have had a lot of pregnancy "scares"... they weren't really scares because each time, we knew that if I was pregnant, that it would be okay, we just weren't planning on it at that time. Condoms broke, accidents happened, but yet I never got pregnant. Then I started using birth control and we stopped using condoms... I was horrible at taking my pills... but yet, I never got pregnant.
This month I did not take a single one of my birth control pills... I didn't tell my boyfriend, because I knew he would be sad I didn't talk to him about it first, but I just wanted to see if what I thought was true, was. This morning I started my period. I really don't think I can have children.

previous entry: I can't bring myself...

next entry: Thoughts of you

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Maybe it's a sign that you two just aren't ready for children yet.

You should probably see a doctor about it, though.

[Toffee SprinklesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

That doesnt mean you cant. Many couples try for YEARS before they're actually successful. But maybe you should talk to him about it?

[Poetic Justice|0 likes] [|reply]

Or maybe he can't? I'd say you having a period is a pretty good sign of some fertility in you. Maybe he shoots blanks?

[Static.|0 likes] [|reply]

I wouldn't worry that you'll never have children. First of all, you usually need to be off the pill for a month or two because sometimes hormones linger. Also, if you're not having sex when you're at your most fertile, then it's lesser chance to actually conceive. Honestly though, just because you two are "okay" with the idea of having a baby, doesn't mean you should. You're not actively trying which means you're probably not totally ready to have a baby. Enjoy your time together sans baby.

[something amazing.|0 likes] [|reply]

It doesn't mean me. Women can go years (especially if having been on BC for awhile) before conceiving. Don't think the worst just yet.

[Mommy_BunnyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Sweetie, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're not able to have children. It could be a number of things - it could even be him. It could be that you're just not ready to have kids. If you're honestly that worried about it - please go see a doctor. Don't put you and your boyfriend at risk like that especially if you're not ready to have a baby. It's irresponsible.

[Khoquetishღ|0 likes] [|reply]

You only have an egg in your uterus ready to receive sperm 1 day a month. Even then some couples have to try many times to get it right. I agree with Static, maybe it's something to do with him.

[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I think you're playing a very dangerous game by trying to get pregnant without even telling your boyfriend. That sort of decision should be made together, and I think he'll feel pretty hurt if he finds out you've lied to him.

One of my friends tried the same thing a few years ago and thankfully she didn't fall pregnant (although she too started to worry about her fertility, needlessly it turns out), as she and the guy she was with later broke up. She's now with someone else and has a gorgeous 6 month old baby. Who she had when she was really ready, and mature enough to be able to discuss plans with her partner, which it appears you aren't yet.

[~RedFraggle~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I could consult a doctor. It will put your mind to rest.

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

Uhh, is anyone here going to comment on the fact that this person is tricking someone into having a child with them?
Maybe you should go to the hospital and find out instead of lying to your boyfriend about something that potentially could ruin his life
Get a clue.

[Loretta Young Skills|0 likes] [|reply]

Or maybe he can't have children.

[ganjagirl|0 likes] [|reply]

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next entry: Thoughts of you

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