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i blinked 182.'s Diary
by i blinked 182.

previous entry: Oh, be my baby. I'll look after you.

"Stay hungry. Stay foolish."


busy busy.

Hey everyone Sorry for the lack of updating, been busy with school and work! Haha I can already see what the next 4 months is gonna look like... Busy busy. But that's a good thing. So to start off, Monday was my first day of class (Math) and it just so happened that the professor didn't even show up We were all sitting there for about half an hour, started a sign in sheet, and a lot of people were leaving. Once I was there for an hour, I decided to leave too. We turned the sign in sheet to administration and that was that I found out on Wednesday night's class that he is used to teaching only Tuesdays & Thursdays, hence why he didn't show up on Monday..ugh. It was still a waste of time! Haha. Anyway, he's interesting I guess. When he walked in I thought he was homeless, as sad as that is to say. He was wearing an oversized sweater, had scraggly hair, glasses, looks about 60 and is really thin. He comes off as scary, but I think he's one of those professors you just don't want to say the wrong thing to or get on their bad side. Other than that, he was alright to me. I ordered my textbook (I'm renting it) online a few days ago, so I should be getting that soon.

My other class, Speech 101, was on Tuesday night, and that went by pretty well. It's a 3 hour class so it drags on, but the professor is really nice and makes everyone feel comfortable. He had us state our name, our age, where we live and our favorite food, haha. The age groups in college always amazes me. There was a 58 year old in that! Good for her for going back to school..but I think she's older than the professor! Haha. Anyway, our assignment for this week was to read Steve Jobs' (CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar) Commencement Speech to Stanford in 2005 and watch it on YouTube. Then we're supposed to write our thoughts of the speech and what we feel like could have made it better or what wasn't needed, and a small outline of (Introduction, Body, Conclusion..). I'm done with my assignment and it was pretty easy. So far it seems like I'm going to like this class

As far as my online classes go, we just did some introductions. I'll probably start the real work tomorrow since it's a new week. Can't wait!

Oh, I paid my ticket on Friday..$170 Sigh. Meh. You live, you learn.


Work has been going pretty good, every day I have worked has been so busy! I love it. It's exhausting but it also makes my day go by really fast. I opened with Jenn yesterday and Friday and I loved it! It's so easy opening with her and it's always fun when we work together. Friday we had Chipotle for lunch and then yesterday we had this local burger place around here called Steve's..mmm sooo good! Horrible for trying to lose weight though! Haha.

I did go to the gym last Monday though! I went for about an hour after "class". It felt good, but I definitely need to get back in routine and start going 4 or 5 times a week. I can't wait until I get paid on Friday so I can finally go grocery shopping and get back to the right eating habits.

criminal minds!

I cannot wait for Wednesday night! It's a new episode of Criminal Minds at 9:00, and then right after that is the season premiere for Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior. It's a spinoff and I'm so excited! I know it most likely won't be as good as the original, but I'm definitely looking forward to it! And I can't wait for groups week on American Idol Haha, I'm a TV addict.

I think that's all I have for my update. I hope everyone had a great weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!



previous entry: Oh, be my baby. I'll look after you.

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Busy is good!

That sucks that your prof didn't show up for the first class of math!

Speech 101 sounds like a pretty fun class!

Grocery shopping in order to eat right is the best idea! I plan out everyday on like Saturday, and get everything for the week. And it works really well for us!

I always want to watch Criminal Minds. But I hate getting addicted to shows. And I'd like to watch American Idol, but it's too time consuming. haha


Love you xoxo

[oops i went glam|0 likes] [|reply]

On the first day of class we don't even show up coz we know that most lecturers don't come! It's also some sort of unwritten rule among students that we never wait for a lecturer for more than 10 minutes in the 1 hour classes and 15 minutes in the hour and a half classes so if s/he showed up 15 minutes late he'll find no students =P

[GiggleStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I hate Hollywood week or group week on Idol. I think it's boring :/ I like the new judges & feel of it though. I just can't wait for the competition to start. And I don't mean when they're on the small stage. I mean when they pick the sem-finalists & are on the big stage!

Anyways, I hate professors that don't show up for lectures. I've had plenty of those

You sound really busy. You need to have some time for you or some fun time

$170 for a ticket? What did you do!?

Hope you had a great V-Day!

[femme fatale|0 likes] [|reply]

Ryc: Mahalo's not that great unfortunately :/ Luckily, I have clients that I write for and that brings in some income for now. Been applying like crazy though. Hopefully something comes up.

I thought group week was the opposite. I found it boring and I thought most of the groups weren't that good :/ I like the auditions and the top 15 (or whatever) finalists are left. Only IF they're good though.

How was Just Go With It? I want to go see I Am Number Four, or whatever it's called. That actually looks intriguing even though I'm not into super hero, action movies.

Shame on you for talking and driving. That's banned here. So is texting and driving. Tsk! Tsk! Hehe.

[femme fatale|0 likes] [|reply]

i'm glad that school and work have been going well a three hour speech class would be killer lol

[crazybeautiful;Star|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Oh, be my baby. I'll look after you.

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