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by Losing for Life

previous entry: WOW!!!

The Next Sound You Hear Will be My Head Hitting the Desk



I've been struggling with a decision lately that has nothing to do with my weight loss for the last few months. I'm really starting to get down about it but in the long run I think I'll be happier with the decision I've made. For the last year or so, my hubby and I have been trying to decide what to do with some money that I will be getting from a trust fund this coming Dec. The choices we had were to either stay here in Texas or move back home to the state of Mississippi. Sadly the pros of staying here in TX far outweigh the cons while the pros of moving back to MS do not outweigh the cons. I really just want to curl up in fetal position and not deal with this right now. In my head I know it's right but my heart hurts over it. My hubby has been a real trooper about this whole thing. He has put his two cents in when we've talked it over but he's never said "We should stay here in TX" or done anything to make me think he wouldn't move back to MS. Ultimately he's let me make the decision and I love him for it. I just wish I had somebody to blame for my recent irrational burst of common sense *sighs*

previous entry: WOW!!!

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