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check your insanity at the door
by fifty shades.

previous entry: good food and good company make a fantastic night

next entry: adjusting to adult life

i'm not allowed to have different emotions.


i'm not allowed to have different emotions.
I feel like I am going absolutely insane because of my mother.

I'm not sure why she is nagging at me all the time and constantly trying to breathe down my neck. I don't live at her house. I haven't live there for 2 years now?

I've been sick (pretty much healed now) and also working. I hate working while I'm sick. It makes me feel even more miserable than I already am. She keeps calling me and asking me if anything is wrong. I told her nothing is wrong with me, I'm just sick and exhausted from work. I have a some what physical job.

All this week she's been calling and nagging at me. She gets mad if I don't answer the phone or I don't text message her back right away. I don't carry my phone on me all the time when I'm home or at work. I'm not suppose to have my phone on me when I'm at work anyway. Yesterday she asked me why I was only responding with short messages. HELLO I'M AT WORK. Next time my boss is gone, I'm going to leave my phone in the car like I normally do. Good grief.

I don't really know what her deal is. It's bugging the crap out of me though. I'm 22 years old, have my own life, work all the time to live, go to school to better myself, etc. I wish I could have a job like her where you sit around in a waiting room for a client, and do whatever you want.

I'm just frustrated beyond belief. If I try to talk to her in a civil manner, she'll turn everything around on me, and make me look like the bad person. There is no talking to her about anything. If I'm upset, super angry, mellow, etc, that's not okay either. I guess it's against the law to have any other emotion other than super happy all the time.

Love Bipolar Inc

previous entry: good food and good company make a fantastic night

next entry: adjusting to adult life

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Mothers can be like that... I hope she chills out soon and you feel much better.

[Simply Rachel|0 likes] [|reply]

me too! i'm sick of it.

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

omg, just reading that stressed me the hell out lol

[Khoquetishღ|0 likes] [|reply]

haha! sorry! i feel less stressed now that i typed this entry out *phew* but jeez! i'm going insane from her. haha.

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

haha no no no, don't apologize. I just realized how that came out and what i meant to say was this sounds like MY mom & she stresses me the fuck out too lol i completely understand where you're coming from

[Khoquetishღ|0 likes] [|reply]

i was not offended by the comment you left

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

random: I am so very glad that my mom is a hippy and doesn't much care to always call or text me. Also, she's the manager at a marine store, so she's too busy anyway.

[Tiffany|0 likes] [|reply]

I wish my mom had a job that made her super busy all the time.

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: good food and good company make a fantastic night

next entry: adjusting to adult life

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