MY BOSS sends out an email to other’s in the company.
I told Jonathan (the blind relief- gosh that sounds mean, sry- guy that was at the counseling center) that I would forward his email out... below is what he was looking for in a supervisor to help him get certain credits. He asked if an LMHC could do supervisions w him... below is what he wanted. Again im just sending as he asked me too - don't know much about much =]
MY BOSS sends me an email 2 minutes later
Jonathan, I wanted to foward you the email that i sent out about the
requirements you want. As i wanted you to know that i did that..... scott and everyone really didnt know who you were. I referred to you as blind as they knew you at hawthorn. i am soooooooo sorry as that sounds so offensive. i even noted that in my email to them, how it sounds means. i wanted to write you and just you again to tell you that i am sorry. they didn’t remember who you were and i feel terrible that thats how i referred to you. so again i am so sorry. please dont take what i wrote (you being blind) as anything offensive. God, i cant believe myself. i am so sorry. but as you can tell i wasnt hiding anything as i forwarded to you. again, i was typing fast to send out as i wanted you to have the supervisions you asked for. again i am so sorry and will tell you that when i see you. so sorry!
MY reply email to my boss
HI, I want to tell you a short story of my first day of my Professional Seminar class in grad school. The professor, who I previously never met, had me sit next to him and says to the class "This is Jonathan. He is a student here as some of you may know and he is here for the same reason you are here, to get a degree. Now, he is blind. There is no reason to sugar coat it. We can see he is blind and he knows he is blind too. There is nothing to hide. I am not going to treat him any different than anyone else and I would hope as mature adults, you wont treat him any different either."
The moral of this story... I know I am blind. You know I am blind. I have no problem people saying I am blind as long as it is not in a negative or belittling my knowledge, way. Which you have never done.
If people know me for being "that blind guy", great. At least they know me. And if they know me, they can co-currently think of "that blind guy" and "that great guy who is smart, understanding and a great listener" (Well, qualities I think I possess)
Thank you for sending out the email.
Stay cool
Boss’s reply
Gosh, you have no idea how happy your email just made me. i didnt like that i said that. i know it is obvious and i know everyone knows - i just didnt like how it sounded so i wanted you to know my intention was good as i know you know that now. thanks for responding and thanks for sharing that story. see you tomorrow.
When I read the first email, I thought nothing of it. I got the second email and laughed as I was reading it. To me, it wasn’t a big deal and I felt as she was blowing it out of proportion.
I showed the emails to two of my friends. One who is blind and another who has a short arm. They both said that if they were in my position, they would have been furious, offended and would take the matter to a higher authority or one of my friend said they would sue the company.... For saying I am blind? Should Charly Brown be sued for calling the girl he has a crush on "the redhead girl"?
Did I miss something?
Am I just “too” nice of a guy?
Am I the one who is wrong?
How would you handle this situation if you were in my shoes?
Please, Please, Please, thoughts are appreciated.