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by **Heather**

previous entry: bye bye 2008, hello 2009

next entry: OMG im worryed



sorry I haven't wrote in awhile..2009 has been a busy year for me already...gosh I hope the whole year isn't this way or im doomed. lol. i had a nice new years eve until 2 minutes after midnight, i got a surprise. i heard a really loud noise from upstairs and all of a sudden, we had water gushing in through the ceiling. ugh what a way to start the year. so was up half the night cleaning up. come to find out, ( we live in a apartment building) and the guy that lives above us, fell and busted his toilet tank!! it was craziness. but it's all fixed and back to new now and he was alright..surprisingly. lol ive been really busy trying to find a job, still hoping i hear from my old job...i sent the letter out....i dont think my chances are too high though so it purdy much sucks big time. ive been spending most of my time, cleaning, cooking, looking for a job, babysitting, and with my family. today im driving my mom to her doctors appointment and tomorrow my dad to his attorneys office, im there taxi now for some ya. well i gotta plenty to do. ill do better. i hope. hope all is good with u all. ttyl

previous entry: bye bye 2008, hello 2009

next entry: OMG im worryed

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