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by **Heather**

previous entry: nothing to lose

next entry: where did u get your doctors license?

eventful weekend.


i have had a very eventful weekend, i feel abosutley drained and should be in bed but look here i am on the computer once again. lol. but anyway saturday i went shopping and saw my cousin at wal-mart that I hadn't talked to you in forever, so we got to talking and he isn't too good. He says he feels great but is having heart trouble, i never expected that but he has clogged arteries and that really surprises me, he's a skinny guy so that really sadden me, i hope everything will turn out alright with him, he had a surgery but they say he needs another but he dont want to do anything so will see. and then last night I got a text messaging saying my brother was in the ER. I guess he went to a wedding reception and was dancing with my aunt and he fell down and knocked her down, she got back up but he couldn't. so my dad hauled him to the ER in our hometown, which wasn't intelligent because they were 45 mins from our town and the town they were in has a MUCH better hosptial, in fact i drive over there for all my doctor visits because our doctors here are fucking retarded but anyway he went to our local ER and they did a scan and said i think its broke, heres some pain pills, go home and come back tomorrow..can you beileve it? thats bullshit!! So he went back today and they did a cat scan and everything from his knee down is broken or tore and guess what? our doctors are so pointless instead of sending him on for emergency surgery like he needs, they fucking send him back home and tell him, they will call him tomorrow and have a surgeon see him for an exam. fuck the guy needs like major Emergency surgery, HELLO! fucking stupid idiots.
On a little brighter note, one of my girls has a guy she wants me to hook up with so i'm kind of exicted, if thigns work i just might get over my ex.
anyway ttyl im off to bed.

previous entry: nothing to lose

next entry: where did u get your doctors license?

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