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by **Heather**

previous entry: poor bro

next entry: drama



I am going to be SO busy. UGH I am starting to stress just thinking about. I FINALLY got my entire house cleaned up, and I am happy that the last few days, I have been just cleaning little bits everyday so it is staying really nice looking!!! I am supposedly leaving tuesday as of right now, my dad wants us to wait one more week but dont really want to do that.
I will be having to learn how to dress his wounds..eeww i hope i can handle that. I'm purdy exicted to go actually though, will be fun driving his truck around, helping him might suck at times but I'll also being going out to eat and shopping and might even get to met up with a friend of mine that only lives 30 miles from where i'll be so that could be fun.
I'm a bit worried though becuz my bro is the type that if things dont go HIS way, he gets mad. WELL i am the SAME way so I hope we don't clash. He already had an attitude with me today so he must be feeling better, I told him, sick or not..he better watch himself because I wont be around him long if he gets pissy with me all the time, I'll be going home real soon if that happens but i just hope everything goes really good and that i can handle everything alright.
well im going to go fix some lunch and run to the store to get a few things and then im back to packing. ttyl

previous entry: poor bro

next entry: drama

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