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thenameisalexxis's Diary
by thenameisalexxis

next entry: HYFR

Now A Days...


i seriously just dont know what to do. my grandma is a crazy pyscho bitch, she adopted me when i was 2 because my mom wasnt the ideal gaurdian. but its like living in hell itself. i hate it, all she does is call out my flaws and tell me i have gained weight and pretty soon i will be having to wear her clothes, which are btw 3X. im not even fat im 5'4 and weigh 130. she makes me feel like dirt and that i shouldnt feel comfortable in my own skin. every day she has something new to yell about whether its my room isnt clean enough or i forgot to sweep part of the house, or maybe even because i didnt clean HER room. it pisses me off so much, and not only that i have so much stress. im trying to lose 20lbs so she will no longer tell me im gaining weight. school starts in 2 weeks, and im flipping out it just kinda sucks a lot. my sister is in a heep of trouble right now, and my gma spends the whole night bashing on her call her a fatass and yells at her saying shes lazy and its like wtf is wrong with you!? shut the hell up you are a 58 year old woman picking on a 18 year old? ugh i hate my home life right now!

next entry: HYFR

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i'm sorry about your grandmother treating you like dirt! you are not fat at all. 5'4" and 130 pounds seems like a normal weight to me!

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

Saying you're gaining weight is not the same as saying you're fat. You probably have gained weight - it's normal to do so at your age. You could just smile at her and say 'Yep, I've gained weight. I'm turning into a woman. But don't worry - I won't be wearing your clothes. My style is a little more modern!'

[bad pennyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Should be grateful you still have her in your life. as for being 18.. if you guys are like 18 years old... get out of the situation and don't look back.. seriously ? how hard is that.. by law 18 is legal age.. Go get a job and get your own place


...Well, welcome to Bloop.

[Atropos|0 likes] [|reply]

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