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I do surveys while I'm booooooored.
by Another Survey Diary

previous entry: Pet Survey [+PiCTURES]

next entry: *sneeze*



From Nickie!

How many U.S. states have you visited? 22. I have to re-count every time I get asked this question.

What is the longest amount of time you've spent on a video game? Ridiculous amounts of hours.

What color is the last cup you drank from? Clear.

What song is stuck in your head right now? None...

Do you still have a MySpace? Yeah.

When was the last time you saw your father? May.

Do you have any siblings? A brother and half sister, then a numerous amounts of "siblings".

Have you ever had an aquarium in your house? Still do.

What's your favorite sea/under water creature? Dolphins!

Have you ever ridden a horse? Yep, that's the Montana in me.

Do you have any pets? A puppy.

Who is the one person who knows you the best? There are a few people who know me well.

Did you or someone else buy the last pair of shoes you wore? I did, in North Carolina.

Where's the last place you actually traveled a decent distance to? We went to Eastern Washington in August.

Are you particular about people's grammar? As much as I can be.

Have you ever been to a gay bar? Nope.

What color are your shoe laces? In which pair of shoes?!

What bug freaks you out the most? They all freak me out!

What's your favorite flavor Pop-Tart? Cherry.

What's the last game you played? Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2.

Do you take any medication? Nope. Iron supplement & prenatal vitamins.

Do you bother with matching your socks? Nope, that's a lot of freaking work.

Do you wear any jewlery that has sentimental meaning to it? I don't wear any jewelry right now... but when I am able to they all have meaning to them.

Give me some random lyrics:

Do/did you watch Christmas specials? Not really a fan.

Who's your favorite Pokemon?

Did you prefer Pokemon or Digimon?

What's your favorite cartoon? Uhmmm I'm not really sure.

Who is/are your favorite cartoon characters?

Do you use a lot of txt speak? Nope! I'll say "OMG" or "LOL" but that's about it.

What's the last emote you used?

What's your worst habit? Jumping to conclusions.

Are you imaginative? Sometimes.

What's the last thing you drank? Water!

Whose profile did you last look at? Not sure!

What's your favorite movie? Many!

Name one thing most people don't know about you:

Do you have any artistic talent? I can't draw, but I'm good with decorating.

What's something about you that hasn't changed from growing up? I'm still quite the story-teller. Not lying-wise, but I can make up "fairytales" and such

Are you a Drama Queen? On the inside.

Do you read more books, comics/manga or magazines? Books.

Have you ever hit a bitch? LoL that made me laugh.

Do you prefer to write in pen, pencil, crayon or marker? Pen.

Do you know anyone who skates? A lot of us skate... but not skateboard type.

What was the last movie you watched? Uhmmm I can't remember. It was only a day or two ago.

Do you keep your keys in a specific place? In my purse.

Do you lose things often? Nope.

When is the last time you brushed your hair? This morning.

How old do people usually guess you are? They don't usually guess out loud... so who knows?!

What's going on between you and the last person you kissed? We're in loveeeeeeeee (&hearts

What friend do you tell the most to? Devon, probably.

How's your heart lately? Burning. Literally.

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Michelle.

Have you ever punched a hole in the wall? Yep.

Where's the weirdest place you've changed clothes? ?!

Do you wear glasses? I should.

What's in your cd player? A CD!

If you could do something differently, would you go back? Nope.

What will you be doing in a half hour? Who knows?!

Who is the last person you talked on the phone with? My mom.

Do you have any plans for Christmas? We'll have Kai this year, so I'm not sure. Probably wake up, open gifts here, then go to his family's house/party.

Are you going anywhere for the next summer? We'll see!

Did you have plans today? Nope, not today!

What are you doing tomorrow? Waking up, shower, doctor appointment, going shopping with Amy.

Where was your last hug? Toys R Us lol I randomly hug Devon.

Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past month? Yes, Devon.

When was the last time you smiled? A sarcastic one just now.

Do you secretly like someone? I obviously LOVE someone!

What are you looking forward to? Having this baby out & my body back (mostly)!

Do you fall for people easily? Nope.

What's the last thing you put in your mouth? Apple.

Have you ever kissed anyone named Trey? Nope.

How late did you stay up last night and why? I fell asleep around 9pm because I forced myself to stay awake that long! I only slept 4 hours the night before and forced myself to stay awake all day.

If you could move somewhere else, would you? Within the same city/area... yes.

Do you prefer to call or text? Text.

Can you live a day without TV? Absolutely.

What is wrong with you right now? Pregnancy.

What is the longest you have been in the car for a road trip? I drove from Colorado-North Carolina in 3 days!

Have you ever been around someone who was high? Yeah

Did you like anyone last summer? Devon ♥

crayon box

previous entry: Pet Survey [+PiCTURES]

next entry: *sneeze*

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