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Welcome to the Fantasy!
by TandB_fanfic

previous entry: B-Safe Haven

next entry: B-Incomplete

Good Morning


**Rated M for Mature Content. May contain foul language and/or adult situations. Please read with caution.**
ocument type="layout" layout="Rainbow Dripping" layout_href="/lovebipolarinc/rainbowdripping" author="Beth@Love Bipolar Inc." author_href="/lovebipolarinc">

Thressa was cold, very cold laying in that bed, so she wrapped yet another blanket around her and cuddled closer to her dog.

She thought to herself.
"I hear the heater running, so this must be a dream I'll be ok till morning.

Cj, her dog, got up from time to time as normal that night.

A warm body, a curious one, NOT Thressa's dog, entered the bed and wrapped his arms around her making her feel cozy.

The mysterious man wrapped a hand around her mouth as she woke up startled.

"SHHH shhh, don't say a word."

Thressa started to panic, she started to fight but was too weak to fight the stranger off.

He was on top of her ripping the buttons off of her night gown with one hand, and reaching up it with the other.

" just don't scream ok, everything will be ok."

he whispered.

"But I'm Married!"

" I told you to stay quiet'"

he responded.

Thressa was panicking on the inside by this time, she would obey and let him have what he wanted, obviously he didn't want but one thing, HER.

She opened her eyes hoping to be able to identify at least part of his face, this intruder, this violator.
To Thressa's suprize it was none other than her own husband.

This was a MOCK RAPE? Or was he really taking what was rightfully his?

Johnny's eyes beamed as he saw the shock in her face, he undid the duct tape, carefully and took the sock from her mouth.

"You? Your RAPING ME?"

He got up off of Thressa and laid next to her.

"No dear, its called role playing, haven't you ever heard of it?"

Thressa smiled a devilish smile.

"Then please, sir, continue."

Johnny reached over with a sharp pocket knife and cut each button off of Thressa's night gown.

She whimpered.

He looked over his "victim"

"MMMMM what a beautiful specimin."

In fear of the knife Thressa stayed perfectly still, not uttering a word.

Would he really cut her?

"This is what happens to careless girls that leave their doors open in the middle of the night, look over there, you see it?"

Thressa's wide eyes looked over in the direction of the door, her hair sweatty, her body shaking from fear and from the chill on the air.

Johnny took a lit candle and began a trail of hot wax down Thressa's body, starting at the base of her neck.

the trail reached between her breasts then to each nipple.

A tear ran down her face.

"Shhh, Shhhh, don't cry, you'll be alright."

The wax went from there down her abdomen and left a pool of it in her navel, to her pubic bone and ended right above her clit.

Thressa began to fight and struggle as she was supposed to, she held her legs together and covered her vagina and breasts with her hands.

"Tisk, tisk, tisk, such a shame to cover beauty like that."

He tried to get her hands to reveal their secret, but Thressa fought.

" Alright if THAT'S the way you want to play."

Johnny flipped Thressa on her stomache holding her hands behind her back with one of his.

she squirmed as he unzipped his fly, she wouldnt stop so he slapped her hard against the cheek.

Thressa let out a cry.

"Shut up! shut up!"

He hissed as he forced his knees between hers and slammed his hard cock inside her.

" Hello?"

Thressa heard from the other room.

She opened her eyes, looked over at Johnny to see he was fast asleep.

Thressa's dad had shown up to visit.

"Hey dad, Im in the bedroom, let me get some pants on."

Thressa yelled from the other room.

She got up to greet her dad.

"Hi, nice to see you what's up? ummm could you hold that thought, I gotta pee."

She went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, there was no mark on her face where a bruise should be.

She undressed, no burn marks from the candle wax, as a matter of fact there was no evidence of wax.

Thressa Finished up in the bathroom and once again greeted her dad.

" ok, let's try this thing again, what's up?"

" Well, I was driving past and saw that your door was wide open, you trying to heat the great out doors?"

Thressa chuckled at her dad's poor attempt at a joke.

"I don't know where your dog or cats are but your door is closed again."

Johnny had heard the commotion, grabbed his robe and went out the back door, the one cat sauntered in and looked at him as if to say, " Ha i went outside and you didn't stop me."

then he saw Cj roaming around the alley way.

"Cj come here."

He said with athourity and snapped his fingers.

The dog came running obeidently into the house, muddy and wet from the cold November rain.

Thressa bent down and hugged Cj and ruffled the fur behind his ears.

" What a good puppy, you stayed near the yard, I love you my baby."

"Well I got your mother in the car, got some shopping to do, you kids have a good day."

" Thanks dad, I love you!"

Thressa said.

" Thanks Harry, hey, we owe you guys a lunch or dinner or something, want to go get some grub?"

Johnny asked as Harry was leaving.

" Eh I'll take a RAIN check on that one, I want to spend some time with Barb. See ya."

Thressa rolled her eyes at yet another bad joke from her dad and turned to face her husband.

" YOU! come here!"

She grabbed his hands and led him back into the bedroom.

Thressa sat on the bed and looked around, this was her NEW bedroom, there were no candles in sight nor was there a sign of any weapons. She let out a sigh of releif.

" I can't believe it was all a dream, it didn't happen, the ONLY thing that was real was the door was open...Amazing."

Johnny took a seat next to Thressa, he held her hand.

" What is the matter, you look shocked?'

Thressa proceeded to tell Johnny about the dream in detail. When she was done he held her close with loving arms.

" That is NEVER going to happen, I won't hurt you EVER I promise. That Dean guy must have really messed your head up."

" Believe me, it wasn't just Dean, it was all the others as well, except two, one fucked with my head and cheated on me, he was Jaid's father, that was the worst one, you NEVER take a woman's child away from her, and that is exactly what he did by making me give her up for adoption. After he told me he wanted to marry me and get a house together, and have babies, upon finding out that i really WAS pregnant, he simply messaged me on an im and said "Get rid of it."

Johnny looked sad as he stroked Thressa's cheek.

" the other was an idiot, childish, and I kicked him out because all he could think of was himself, he ignored me."

Johnny held Thressa tightly.

"I love you, but i need to go take a walk to cool down, I PROMISE i will be back this evening, I'm just going to go to the lake and relax, I think you should call Bina and hang out, that always makes you feel better."

Thressa texted Bina.

"I'm at your front door, Rob had some stuff to do in town and i thought I'd drop in."

Thressa Skipped to the front door and there she was, bina, she ALWAS knew when something was wron with Thressa.

She told Bina about the dream.

" well, your mind is very insecure, rightfully so, and you are afraid that Johnny is here to take what he wants of your soul and leave like everyone else...your fear is that if that happens there is no way out of it because you are married to him.
He's NOT going to leave you for one, AND what ever happens, I am here for you, Just as you are here for me ALWAYS!"

" You always make sense to me, dammit! I LOVE that our minds are equally twisted and demented."

Bina squinched up her squishy nose and grinned.

"ME too!!!"

Bina had decided that however long it took Johnny to get home, she'd stay till then. And she did.

Johnny came walking in through the door, Bina got up to leave.

" Hello my beautiful ladies! how was your evening?"

" It was awesome. But I need to leave Rob is waiting for me at home, LOVE you guys."

Bina said as she left.

Johnny grabbed Thressa's hand and led her to their bedroom, they both got their pajamas on, and went to bed, he held her all night just to make sure she was safe.

Love Bipolar Inc | Image:
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next entry: B-Incomplete

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