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One sky, one destiny....
by One sky, one destiny.

previous entry: Halloween!!

The NEWS versus The TRUTH


My conclusion from listening to the news - EVERYTHING can give you cancer. EVERYONE is out to get you. YOUR CHILD will be the victim of this random act of rape, violence, hate crimes or other obscenities. RELIGION is everywhere. People are killing people for it. WAR is not a bad thing. MURDERERS are lurking in your backyard. And.... FIRES are all over the place 24/7.

The truth - Cancer happens, you cannot prevent what is going to happen if it's already going to freakin happen. No one is out to get you, some people are just inherently bad or disturbed and you may just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your child has a very low chance of ever getting hurt worse than a knee scrape or broken bone. Religion is used as a weapon against non-believers of that religion by radicals who believe their beliefs are the only ones who are right. People kill people for every reason under the sun. War is killing with a so-called "right reason." Just remember there are 3 sides to every story, including war. This side, that side, and the innocents caught in the middle. Murderers are everywhere, it's just giving them the right reason to snap. Everyone has the potential to kill.... the only thing stopping most is willpower or morals. Fires start when the variables are right.

Mini-rant warning....

What spurred this rant? The fact that I can do more research than a news channel. I heard a headlining story about "sound waves to get high." The newscasters decided to say that these sound waves did this and that and got you high.

What is the truth? It is actually Binaural Brainwave manipulation, and the company is called "I-Doser Labs." They use brainwave synchronization to achieve various responses in the subconscious mind. This only simulates the feeling of being high, it does not actually GIVE you a high.

I'll be honest and say, out of curiosity I did try it. Most of the files you can find to listen to are approximately 30 plus minutes long and focus on a steady stream of various "noise" in each ear (headphones are required) to achieve the proper synchronization. I suffer from severe, chronic insomnia, and no means of natural or prescription medication has any effect. I tried the 10-minute (what they call QH or "Quick Hit") version of 'Anesthesia,' and it seemed to pretty much lull me into a calm state where I can fall asleep easily. Bouncing around to other ones, I haven't really found much of an effect other than it makes me feel sleepy.

Everyone is different, and I assume some people are far more sensitive to this. I wouldn't say it is a means to get high.... because the same kind of sound to mind manipulation is used in relaxation CDs and meditation CDs. This is just some kind of experimental thing meant to simulate what you might feel. Just thought I'd give a little information based on personal experience.

Yes, I tried it. Yes, I tried several different sound files.... This included Hand of God, Anesthesia QH, Condition (which is supposed to prep you to be more receptive to the others), Ecstasy, Ecstasy QH, Gate of Hades (I did not make it past the first stage - which I will explain after this).

The only thing I can note is that it makes me feel sleepy. Some people are more sensitive to this than I am, but when I have sounds playing in my ears akin to that of a loud CAT scan or MRI, I can't let myself slip into a semi-conscious state. I believe that is where most of the stimulation occurs.

The sound files are anywhere from 10-minute QH (quick hits) to full 30-45 minute files, and work in stages. There is the initial preparation stage, the climbing stage, the near-peak, the peak, the descending stage, and the bottom stage. The peak is where the most stimulation occurs, and the bottom is where it comes to an end to give you the after-effects, which usually means the sound gradually becomes quieter and then you are done with that particular experience.

Gates of Hades note - I kept becoming too aware of what was going on outside of the sounds and could not submerse myself enough to commit to 30 minutes of this. I have heard that this particular one is terrifying, an experience to end all experiences.... As in fear. While I have no issues with fear, I was calmed down to sleep as I am now, and did not feel like keeping myself up half the night because of listening to this one. I got through the preparation sounds, and when it started going into the "climbing" segment, I shut it off in favor of "Reset QH," which is used to basically erase the effect of any other I-Dose you may have done. I still got the sleepy effect from it, and even from Reset QH. This may just be me and it may have different effects on other people, but this is MY experience with it.

The biggest mistake they made was in telling people that these were used to get you high. Not all of them are even for this purpose. Some are meditative, some are to calm you down or wake up your brain. Some are modeled after the effects received with particular drugs, yes, but that is not the full extent of the research these people have done. It takes a genius to discover how to do this trick with the mind, and I commend them for their work. This is the only thing that I have found that directly effects me to make me even FEEL sleepy. It actually calmed me down enough to where I feel like I could fall asleep without a problem. There is also an anti-migraine one, as well as several ones to help calm you from a stressful day.

My rant is now finished, I just wanted to be at least one person educated with truth and armed with experience who did her research. Maybe someone, somewhere will listen.

previous entry: Halloween!!

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