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by br!na

previous entry: TTC Layout??

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Give me all your babydust, and no one gets hurt!! :]


<3 <3 <3 <3

All I can think about today is TTC, I've been looking at pictures on photobucket, so cute.
You know, I have heard that some TTCers have altars in there home. Like just a little corner or something with a couple of baby items, candles I guess. Not too sure. But they pray to this altar. Idk if any of you guys have even heard of this before, but, would there happen to be anyone here that has one of those?

Also, if any one can tell me what the Luteal phase is...please tell me in simple terms. That would be awesome. lol I've been looking it up, but I don't understand what these people are saying!!

Anyways- I'm watching one of my fave movies, The Family Stone. So I'm gonna get off here so I can pay attention! lol :]


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LOl i love the i need baby cement blinkie! ALL MY BABY DUST IS YOURS!!!!!!

[MyღHolds5|0 likes] [|reply]

I think the luteal phase is just what the stage of your menstrual cycle is called after you ovulate but before you get your period or positive pregnancy test... I could be wrong though, I' used to know when I was ttc but I've forgotten so much stuff since then... you know Spanna? You should ask her, I lent her my book that would explain it

I've never heard of people having alters but I've heard of people putting wooden spoons and baby clothes under their mattresses, apparently that helps according to old wives tales

[Miss Ice FingersStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I have a feeling Spanna will know! I get all my knowledge from her lol. She's a walking TTC Encyclopedia!

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

i have a visionboard no no alter but a poster i made

[spanna|0 likes] [|reply]

hahaha miss ice fingers is correct about the lat phaze

[spanna|0 likes] [|reply]

it varies woman to woman. mine is about 9 days at the moment...well last AF it was anyway.....

[spanna|0 likes] [|reply]

Have you considered contacting a holistic doctor? My sister in law and her husband couldn't get pregnant for a couple of years [even after a failed Artificial Insemination process!] and she saw a holistic doctor who put her on a strict diet and a regime of vitamins and she got pregnant in three weeks! =D

[.Amber.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

i think the main this is to figure out "o" dates...thats the big one. if you've charted how long between o and AF is and its less than 10 days for a few charts your lat phazes are too short and your supposed to go and see your dr. as i never know when AF is coming ive just had to keep charting away.

[spanna|0 likes] [|reply]

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