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living in a fantasy world
by KayaMae

previous entry: story - Ody - [3]

next entry: Retaliation. a rough draft of about 75% of the novel.

a collection of old poems


I discovered my old diary using the wayback machine, and I just wanted to gather up some of my old poems (whatever ones I without a dead link I was able to grab) I used to write a lot of poetry in my late teens early 20s. lol I should've saved them.

lost in the stars 5/8/2003

Lost in the stars
the mind does lay.
The living dreams:
the inner beauty of what is
what was, and what will always be.
For nothing compares to the hearts desires.
Without them, only a dull life
will have the need to exist.
But life itself is grand
because the mind is lost.
It lays hidden in the stars
Where dreams live.

The beauty of wonder 5/8/2003

The beauty of wonder never ceases
to hold such a radiant glow from within.
The mind's eye sees only the wonderous light
never noticing the dim.
It lives only in a world
where wonder rules all.
Where mystery and knowledge coinside
to brighten the radiant glow
and widen that open eye.
In turn the heart grows more joyous
and life itself seems more bright
continuing the beauty of wonder
that never ceases
to hold such a radiant glow from within.

you look through me 5/8/2003

A soft light pours through your eyes and lights
up your face, leaving it glowing so bright.
You look through me as if you've known me
since before I was even
born. Years even before this lifetime and many more
preceding. You know my soul.
How do you do it?
How is it that your aura may glow so bright?
Your mystery is one to fathom.
But life does not leave you to question.
You know the ways of the world.
Yet your mind is completely open to all that exists around
it. Do you not see your own mystery?

fun little poem 5/10/2003

Many thoughts do procede
the only ones that are in need.
For sanity does arise
when we truly close our eyes
and see only with our heart.
We must never ever part
with our open mind.
It is one of a kind
and should never be replaced
with ideas that are laced
with complete limitation.
A broad imagination
is one to enjoy
and one to annoy
those narrow minded
third eye blinded
poor troubled souls.
They work in controls
never venturing out
to see past their snout.
They live enclosed
never trying to be exposed
to the fantasmical world
that will never try to be unfurled.
They simply disbelieve
and even sometimes heave
all those wonderful dreams
to the ends of extremes.
They need to let go of the fear
and finally perservere
to bring their sanity arise.
They need to close their eyes.
For they know the start
is truly in their heart.

Poetry Session 1, Round 1 9/30/2004

What To Do
Round one in the poetry session. Your poem topic is about "you" This means you have to write a poem describing just you. Yeah this round is all about "you"And do you like how i keep saying the word "you" its annoying isnt it? Anyways in this poem you can desribe yourself physically, mentally,or just your habbits, personality traits, or even your pain methods and etc, ill post a example poem on here to give you an idea. Again remember this is a STRICT contest, we want these poems entered in a two day radious, if you need further time, note me and ill give you a extended amount more. When you complete your poem PLEASE leave a commnet saying that you did and title your poem Poetry Session 1, Round 1. Then IN the entry please present your title of the poem. Thank you all for joining this contest and We the judges wish you the best of luck.

"The Hidden Truth"

Delving deep into the confines of my mind,
there is no sight of any true self.
Only feeling exists.
I am an essence of the Hidden Truth.
The Truth is felt in my head
and seen in my heart.
Who I am means nothing to the world,
except all the importance I make it hold.
Each step I take,
changes the world,
whether the world wishes it or not.
Whether I wish it or not.
It is my decision how.
The Hidden Truth only knows
the possible futures.
I am an essence of the Hidden Truth.
I can all see possible futures.
I am an essence of the Hidden Truth.
An essence.
One of many.
One of us all.
There is no the.
The Hidden Truth exists within and outside of us.
We're all essences
Each step I take changes the world,
whether I wish it or not.
Delving deep into the confines of my mind,
there is no sight of any true self.
I feel with my head
and see with my heart.
For I trust my heart
to make the better decisions.
With my heart.
I can see all possible futures.

Poem Session 1, round 2 10/5/2004
Okay you made it to Round 2! Congratulations. THis time your topic will be Pain, everyone has felt it, everyone has endured it. Remember the poem doesnt have to contain the word "pain" But it HAS to be about "pain". Any kid you wish. Remember to note us when you are complete with your poem and title it Poem Session 1, round 2" Then present you pem title IN the entry. Keep in mind the rules (which you can read on our diary FP) and DO NOT VIOLATE ANY because you know what will happen. We will inform you on any new entries. And again we thank you for joing our contest.
We the Judges wish yo uthe best of luck in this contest.
This is due by Wednesday, the 6th, of October.

"The Window"

Out through the window, the sun shines.
The birds sing along
while the wind chimes play a song.
Everything seems bright.
Everything is so light,
and shiny happy forever.
Only the window blocks me from this outside world.
Unable to be openned or shattered.
I bang on the glass, while yelling and screaming.
wanting to be heard.
"Let me out of here!"
But the screams peirce no ears.
My heart thumps loudly in my chest.
I can never sit down to rest,
until I'm able to be free.
The tears sting my eyes, and
I am out of breathe.
I'm stuck in this dark cold lonely world forever
with only a window to peer out.
With no way of getting out there.
With no way of hearing the birds.

originally written: 12/5/2002

previous entry: story - Ody - [3]

next entry: Retaliation. a rough draft of about 75% of the novel.

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You definitely have a true talent!!!

[|0 likes] [|reply]

thank you

[KayaMae|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm always both amazed and confused how people that. When I try to write like that, it doesn't feel right. It feels choppy, fragmented but then when I read others, it sounds so right.

I also cant write short poems. Although my shortest poem is 5 lines, they average 1.3 pages with my longest being 12 pages, single spaced.

as for this "wayback" machine. I assumed you saved your diary onto your computer at some point and there really is no "wayback" machine?

[A RedSox Fan|0 likes] [|reply]

thank you. I haven't been able to write a poem for years. I'm sure I might be able to if I try, but there was something different about my brain ten years ago. The wayback machine is an internet archive. click here I love going through my old bloop diaries and seeing what I can salvage. There are a lot of dead links, but at least I can get a visual of my old life. My front page has a link to my old Kaya diary.

[KayaMae|0 likes] [|reply]

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