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band member fights back!
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30 Apr 2009, 22:17
Meghans Follie
Post Count: 433
Thought we all could use some humor, pick me up and some slight "well dont that beat all" (no pun intended). And some positive news depending on how you look at it.

QUARTZ HILL, Calif. — Don't mess with the marching band.

That's what California authorities are saying after a 17-year-old girl used her marching band baton to beat back two would-be muggers.

Los Angeles County sheriff's Deputy Michael Rust says the Quartz Hill girl was walking to school April 24 when two men approached her from behind, tried to grab her coat and demanded money.

Instead, one got a punch in the nose and the other a kick to the groin. Rust says the girl then beat both of them with her band baton before she ran away.

The men had not been caught. But Rust says there's a clear message to take from the encounter:

"The moral to this story is don't mess with the marching band girls, or you just might get what you deserve. Final score: marching band 2, thugs 0.",2933,518483,00.html
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30 Apr 2009, 22:40
Post Count: 425
Way to get 'em girl! ;-D
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