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Mother caught smearing faeces on her sick three-
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23 Jun 2011, 17:22
Post Count: 134
I don't know if someone posted this as I don't get on here often but here is an update about our "old pal" Emily. I found it while googling random stuff, as usual... I mostly just read now these days.

A mother caught smearing human faeces on her three-year-old daughter's IV catheter has been jailed for 20 years.
Emily Beth McDonald, 25, from Austin, Texas, had admitted second-degree injury to a child and wept briefly during the hearing but said nothing.
Speaking outside court Bob Phillips, who defended McDonald, told the Austin American-Statesman she had put faeces on the catheter while the girl was hospitalised in 2009.
He said she wanted to elevate her daughter's fever so doctors would continue an antibiotics treatment they had planned to stop.
At the time, McDonald was 'under extreme psychological stress,' Phillips said, and fatigue and depression contributed to that stress.
'Obviously it was a criminal act, and it was wrong-headed, but it was done with a pure heart,' he said.
According to arrest details McDonald told police she had smeared faeces on the girl's central venous line five times during her daughter's six-week hospital stay.
A central line is a catheter inserted into a patient's chest or neck that leads to a vein or directly to the heart. It allows for the quick insertion of medication or fluids and monitors cardiovascular health.

Travis County prosecutor Rob Drummond said McDonald committed 'medical child abuse.'
'It doesn't have any other rationale than any other form of child abuse would have,' he said. 'Our goal in this case was to protect Emily McDonald's children and to hold her responsible.'
The girl is now 'thriving and well and going to be fine,' Phillips said.
She and McDonald's two other children now live with their respective fathers.
The girl was admitted to Dell Children's Medical Centre on April 15, 2009, with a high fever and 'a long history of chronic diarrhoea.'
Blood tests came back positive for bacteria commonly found in faeces.

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23 Jun 2011, 18:42
Post Count: 283
Sigh, that woman really is a piece of work.

At least now she'll have a fun new girlfriend to play with. ;D
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24 Jun 2011, 14:39
Post Count: 408
My guess is she has Munchausen by proxy . I remember her diary and while I didn't read her, I recall it saying on her frontpage how her daughter was always ill.
Really sad situation.
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25 Jun 2011, 13:33
Post Count: 283
@stars may collide: If I remember correctly, I read something that mentioned Munchausen by proxy - but said that she didn't have it and gave a few reasons why.
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26 Jun 2011, 09:32
Post Count: 2651
Sounds like MBP to me, but as I say every time this topic is brought up, MBP describes a behaviour. It is NOT a mental illness. And the person knows fine well what they're doing, they know it's wrong and choose to do it anyway. Therefore it is not permitted as a defence in court.
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23 Jun 2011, 19:54
Post Count: 107
im so glad I never talked to this beast
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23 Jun 2011, 20:37
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
"but it was done with a pure heart," are you fucking kidding me!?!?
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23 Jun 2011, 21:09
Music God CJ Plain
Post Count: 550
Fearless Love: Only a freaking lawyer could say some shit like that with a straight face. Idiots! every last single one of them.
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23 Jun 2011, 20:40
♥ jes
Post Count: 135
Agreed. Whoever the eff does this shit does NOT have a "pure heart". She deserves more than 20, but at least they didn't let her go just because she was "under stress."
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23 Jun 2011, 21:23
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
@MusicGod: its fckn nasty.. Thinking about her & her fckd up mentality is making me gag!! I love my kids to deal and I hate when they're sick.. I would never purposely make them sick for attention! I don't give 2 fcks if she was "depressed & stressed", I'm stressed out & depressed right now but you don't see me making my kids sick! Ugh!! I really hope she never gets to see her kids.
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24 Jun 2011, 00:34
Mami 2 ♥ 1
Post Count: 361
I wonder how many other whack job people are on bloop that we dont know about yet....
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24 Jun 2011, 03:56
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
@Tamika: lmao I know right...
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24 Jun 2011, 11:20
SugarNSpice Surveys
Post Count: 128
Oh my GOD. That makes me SO mad. I want kids so badly and am having trouble even getting one and sick parents like
that make me want to scream. Do they not know how lucky they are to be able to have their kids?
Jeez. I wonder if she even feels bad for what she's done or even what the hell she was thinking at the time?
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26 Jun 2011, 08:51
Post Count: 134
[High tipsy, off beer not liquor as I write this... I'm at my limit though; I wont reach it till I watch another disney movie.] lol If I end up with any you're welcome to adopt. [It WILL be open but ah, I don't "see myself" having any!] Harris babies are the cutest... [usually lol not me but IF you see my cuzzo's baby pics MY GOD... I fall for guys with more dominant genes though, you'd probably egt the blue eyes at least, we ALL have blue eyes.]
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25 Jun 2011, 06:24
Post Count: 492
I don't get how people can be so sick to an innocent child or animal for that manner. Mentally sick or not, maybe she should of told someone instead of hurting her daughter. Jail is nothing for this P.O.S
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