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Women Suing To Shut Down People Of Wal-Mart Webs
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18 Feb 2011, 00:04
Music God CJ Plain
Post Count: 550
Somebody needs to slap the hell out of this cunt. She's just butt hurt because someone took a pic of her Clown Looking Mama...
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18 Feb 2011, 12:49
Dreamer ♥
Post Count: 167
uurrrmmmm what about security cameras? Are they not filmed whilst they are in the store? I think they are! Sooooooo as for shopping being's not at all.
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20 Feb 2011, 20:06
Hope for Sunshine
Post Count: 1
And you're just butt hurt because she's doing something that could take down your #1 website. you need to use such awful derogatory language like "cunt" to describe someone? I will never understand people like you who choose to flaunt such awful language like this in a public forum.

I am sure if anyone saw their picture on this website, they'd be upset and want it taken down too...unless they dressed purposely to get attention, which I believe a lot of these people do on this website.
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20 Feb 2011, 21:23
Music God CJ Plain
Post Count: 550
I use language like "cunt" because I can...and it's an accurate description of this woman. My feelings aren't hurt in the least by what's she's doing. I merely find it humorous that she didn't seem to have a problem with the site until someone she knew ended up on there. Personally, I wouldn't be offended by being put on the site. In fact, I rarely shop there. If someone DID find the need to put me on there, well...It's there right.

See, I'm realistic. I'm neither pompous nor arrogant enough to expect privacy in this day and age. I realize that just about everything I do, when I walk out my door, is captured on camera at some point.
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21 Feb 2011, 04:26
Post Count: 72
Sometimes, 'cunt' is the best word to describe someone. Why tiptoe around it? You can say whatever choice words you want, as long as you can stand behind them. Others shouldn't be offended because at some point, every single one of us have said something unkind to or about someone else. Why pretend to be innocent or offended when we are all guilty?

Besides that, maybe the woman from the story was sad her mom's picture made it to the site instead of her own, so she pretended to be upset so she could have her moment too...everyone wants to be famous, if only for a few seconds. And look, it worked out well for her..people are talking about her..people who otherwise were unaware of her existence.

It's a win for everyone. We got to laugh at her, she got the spotlight..people of walmart probably got more hits than they had in months...

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21 Feb 2011, 05:20
Music God CJ Plain
Post Count: 550
@Unauthorized: EXACTLY! Thank you!
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21 Feb 2011, 08:38
Opie's Old Lady
Post Count: 459
couldn't agree more.
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18 Feb 2011, 00:16
Post Count: 72
Haha..maybe, people should consider how they look before going out in public and they wouldn't have to worry about being humiliated...I assumed we all had mirrors in our bathrooms for that I wrong?
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18 Feb 2011, 00:31
Music God CJ Plain
Post Count: 550
@Unauthorized: Exactly! Like I said...She's just butt hurt. I love how she wants to try to claim she should have privacy at Wal-Mart...but the place has like how many HUNDREDS of cameras everywhere?
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18 Feb 2011, 00:19
Post Count: 72
Also, the woman seemed to have no complaints about the site prior to seeing her mother's picture on it, only then, did it become offensive..
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18 Feb 2011, 00:19
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
In order for her daughter to SEE the picture of her mother, she had to have gone to the site in the first place. Ten bucks says she laughed her ass off like the rest of us until she noticed dear ol' mom on there.

Now, if MY dad wound up on there. I would probably make fun of him until the end of time.

I mean really, if you leave the house looking like an idiot - you deserve it.
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18 Feb 2011, 23:12
Post Count: 88
@Jessica- I was thinking the same thing! Clearly she goes on this website often but when it's someone she knows, it's not funny anymore. I know a name for her! Hypocrite!
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18 Feb 2011, 01:14
Post Count: 34
If I were to speak to her I'd make sure to tell her "Always remember to dress properly in public and then you might not end up on that website!"
And there is no privacy in public, that is just retarded. Hell, there is no privacy honestly anywhere. YOU ARE NOT SAFE FROM THE LOLPOLICE.
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18 Feb 2011, 06:54
Opie's Old Lady
Post Count: 459
what a dumbass. i like how some have mentioned that she obviously had to be a troller of the site for her to have noticed her moms picture. funny how the website is all of a sudden isn't funny. some people need to learn to grow up and not let every little thing bother them. lifes a bitch, get over it. to quote a friend "cry me a river, build a bridge, & get the fuck over it!"
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18 Feb 2011, 07:26
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
This is what happens when you go out lookin like a fool!!!!
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18 Feb 2011, 16:53
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
I agree with everyone!!
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18 Feb 2011, 23:10
Post Count: 88
Next time don't go outside looking bad. Solution fixed!
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19 Feb 2011, 01:02
jessi bear(:
Post Count: 300
I love how she says that it's different from paparazzi taking pictures of celebrities because paparazzi takes their pictures in public.. since when is Walmart not in public? Haha.
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19 Feb 2011, 11:22
Post Count: 204
That was my thought as well!

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19 Feb 2011, 11:37
Winged Centaur
Post Count: 301
While I do agree that you should be aware of what you look like in public, I don't agree with the creators of that website making money from ridiculing others. It's crass.
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19 Feb 2011, 11:59
Me, I'm Not
Post Count: 93
As a walmaet employee, I love that website. If I could snaps some pics, I would. That woman is dumb for suing.
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19 Feb 2011, 11:59
Me, I'm Not
Post Count: 93
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20 Feb 2011, 02:50
Post Count: 25
I sometimes dress badly and don't do my hair on purpose because I am going to Walmart in the hopes that someone puts me on the site.
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20 Feb 2011, 04:02
Post Count: 885
"In order for her daughter to SEE the picture of her mother, she had to have gone to the site in the first place. Ten bucks says she laughed her ass off like the rest of us until she noticed dear ol' mom on there.

Now, if MY dad wound up on there. I would probably make fun of him until the end of time.

I mean really, if you leave the house looking like an idiot - you deserve it."

^ THIS. Exactly.
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20 Feb 2011, 06:21
jessi bear(:
Post Count: 300
I doubt anything will happen besides getting her own picture removed. Maybe if she hadn't dressed like an idiot she wouldn't be made fun of? And honestly, some of the people on that site are genuinely scary looking LOL. If I saw someone like this in my Walmart, I'd be leaving, haha. I don't think I'd snap a picture :P.
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