![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Thank you for telling your story, I think it's very easy for others to judge without knowing the circumstances surrounding the girl's choice.
![]() Luvvy Post Count: 21 |
I second the "brilliant" for Brycen's Mommy comment!
![]() Ashley Winter Post Count: 63 |
I'm only fifteen, and personally don't know all the important facts and details about abortion. But what I do know is that I'm pro choice. I know there a tons of better ways to be safe when having sex, and not to cross the stupid line. I personally haven't done anything like that yet, (hell I have yet to have a real first kiss) but I know that if I were in that situation, if I were a freshman (which I am) and got knocked up, raped, or anything to get me pregnant, I would probably get an abortion. I have high hopes and dreams, and don't even want children when I'm older. Not to say that I'm one to judge girls who get into situations like this or say I know everything- Maybe if it were me I'd be so scared I'd change my mind. But I know that a woman's body is her body, and in my opinion it isn't killing someone unless they're outside the womb and can live their life. I'm Canadian, and I don't even know for sure but I'm 85% positive Abortion is not illegal here. I just googled it, lol. So I'm happy to know that here, if I were in that situation, I'd have the option.
![]() Mojo Jojo Post Count: 278 |
I do not like the idea of advertising abortion services, not because I'm right wing or pro life, but because an abortion is such a lifechanging decision (well, generally) and advertising it cheapens it. An abortion is not a commodity in the UK, it's a free service offered by and done by the NHS in 80% of cases. Why does it need to be advertised?
'Owever, if education was better in the first place, it wouldn't be so much of an issue. I've noticed a comment from a 15yo who doesn't know the facts or details about abortion. Why isn't it taught in schools? I was never taught about the consequences of pregnancy at school, merely that unprotected sex Was Bad. My 18yo sister genuinely believes she is barren because she never uses contraception and doesn't fall pregnant. No amount of shrieking about STDs/pregnancy wakes her up. Men need to understand as well. Contraception and pregnancy is not the exclusive problem of the female in the relationship, whether that relationship is one of many years, or one of a few minutes. There are hundreds of thousands of abortions carried out in the UK every year. They cost far more than a bit of decent sex education. |
![]() Lacey Post Count: 144 |
I agree that EDUCATION is the important factor is all these cases with girls. I believe that the teen pregancy rate would drop, not HUGELY, but enough to make an impact.
Unfortunatly I am sure we all remember being teenagers and thinking we know everything or that we are invinsible and whatnot, so they might not all listen. But I think sex education really needs to be inforced in school because in this case ignorance isnt bliss. I know people who would not be parents now if they were just taught the simple things about sex and contraception. I also dont believe that abortion should be advertised, but I dont see a problem with advertising the fact that there are people to help you, and you have options, and you can speak with someone in private about all of this. |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
It's not advertising abortion though. It's advertising a service which offers advice on the different options. Abortion isn't even mentioned in the advert.
I agree on the education thing though... perhaps they need to get some teen mums or young women who've had abortions to talk more to high school students, and tell them what they've gone through and how they wish they'd waited. |
![]() Lacey Post Count: 144 |
Thats a good idea, have people go and talk to the kids.. or I dont know if you have ever seen Maury but he occasionally has the little 13 year old girls who are trying to get pregnant, and he gives them a baby for 24 hours and they ALWAYS change there minds... Do that to kids in highschool lol.
![]() Mojo Jojo Post Count: 278 |
They do that at my sister's old high school. She took home a doll thing at 14 and lasted about 2 hours before turning it off. The thing is, abortion isn't about wanting a baby, it's about NOT wanting one. So to give kids a doll for the weekend to show what having a baby is like isn't going to dissuade those who think "Oh well, if I get pregnant, I'll just get rid of it" from having unprotected sex.
![]() Mojo Jojo Post Count: 278 |
I don't think you can ever stop teenagers wanting to have sex, male or female,. Speaking for myself, I couldn't WAIT to lose my virginity and get it out of the way. It was hanging over me, even though I was one of the first of my peer group (it was during the summer following my GCSEs). I don't see why sex education can't be rolled out like the period talk, done by a company that travels round to schools. Obviously, it needs to be part of the curriculum as well, but I think a lot of the time, embarassment gets in the way of discussion. There is NOTHING worse than having your TEACHER talk about 'feelings'.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
The first time I had unprotected sex, the thought of STDs never even crossed my mind. All I could think about was getting pregnant.
I don't even remember sex ed in school. I am sure we had it, but I'll be damned if I know what they talked about. |
![]() .miss.raditude. Post Count: 230 |
I'm pro-life so I can't say anything from this point.
![]() DivaAshley Post Count: 242 |
I just don't understand the rationale that women/girls have abortions because it would be too hard to give their baby up? Obviously, I cannot speak from true experience, but I am adopted. I know it wasn't easy for my biological mother to give me up. But, I'm glad she didn't think it would be easier to KILL me, rather than give me to my amazing, awesome, loving parents. I don't know. I don't believe abortion is right in any way, but I also believe that to take away a woman's choice is wrong. I mean, ultimately she'll have to live with that decision. Though, loosing such a precious little life is sad.