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Brady & Evan's Momma
by ;*cinderella

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potty training


we have been trying to potty train Brady. We started last monday and that day he peed on the potty twice! I was so proud! The next day he wanted to sit on the potty if I asked him and he would sit there for a long time but not go. Now he doesnt want to sit on the potty at all. If I ask him he says "NO! no sit on potty! Brady go play!" He talks about himself in third person alot lol. We aren't forcing him at all but I had really high hopes after the first day! I guess he will go when he is ready. We have a reward chart and stickers and he really liked putting the stickers on it after he peed and keeps asking for more. I just keep telling him he has to go pee on the potty before he can get one. We have had him in pull ups and since he doesnt want to go anymore I would like to put him back in diapers because they are cheaper and more absorbent but I don't know if that is a step in the wrong direction.
Otherwise he is doing really well! He is a chatterbox it is so funny. I just keep thinking that 6 months ago he could barely talk now he can say almost everything. We can have conversations now and I love it. He plays pretend now which I think it really cute. He likes to pretend to talk on the phone.
Evan is doing great also. He is getting so big. We went to the library yesterday and they have this storytime called babies with books and the boys really liked it! Evan loved it! The lady reading is really over the top and had these puppets and everything and Evan could not stop watching her and smiling. I think we are going to start going every week. There was a 15 month old in the group and I had Evan standing up and he came over and he was only maybe and inch taller than Evan! LOL My boys are just big. I weighed them both the other day and Brady was 35 lbs and Evan is 22 lbs. Brady wears 4T clothes and Evan is wearing some 12-18 months. Alot of the one piece 12 month outfits are getting too short on him. I can't believe he is almost 8 months old! Time is going too fast! Lately he really likes to play put and take. He likes to put his pacifier in things or put my necklace in my mouth and take it out lol. He concentrates to hard and his little tongue sticks out sometimes it is cute lol. Sorry if this entry is so random I am just typing things as I think of them!
So Aaron asked me the other day when I wanted to have another baby. I told him I would like to start trying in maybe a year. So I think when Evan is about 18 months we might start TTC. This will be our last baby (I think LOL)
Ok off to make Brady some lunch!

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Good luck with the potty training! How old is Brady?


[♥hot mama|0 likes] [|reply]

My daughter was 22 months when she was potty trained. The best thing that worked for her was taking her to the potty continuously & rewarding her after she went potty. She got candy, new toys, & stickers. Positive reinforcement is the best thing. I never scolded her for using her diaper or pull up it makes them ashamed & then they think they can't do it.

[Makayla|0 likes] [|reply]

Wow, you are a braver mummy than me wanting number 3 so soon. I do want a third but not for a while yet.. maybe when I'm in 30's and the boys are older.
Brady sounds so much like Ben! We got a potty for Ben for Christmas, it's one of those fisher price ones that sings songs when he flushes the chain and such. He hasn't used it yet as like you, I'm not wanting to push it... I like the idea of a sticker reward chart though! I think I'll do that when we get more serous. I was told that he'd develop mentally a lot faster between 2 or 3 but I wasn't counting on how fast it would be... just think, by this time next year they'll be complete little boys and not babies anymore!
How are you feeling? Any better?
Anywho, thanks for the update, its great to hear how the boys are doing

[supernova|0 likes] [|reply]

kaiden was the same way about the potty and now occasionally he'll want to wear a pull up and i tell him he has to use the potty to get a pull up on so he'll use it then, its so frustrating but i try not to push it too

[MaMa tO 2 MiRacLeS|0 likes] [|reply]

boys are harder to potty train!! always. my nephew is 3 1/2 and is still having messes. but hes almost fully trained! just stubborn

[♥Cam'sMommy|0 likes] [|reply]

you've got some balls. lol not literally. but i couldnt handle alot of youngins close in age. i had jade and cami 4 years apart. and im done now! lol. but how old is brady now? i had cami trained by 24 months. but this time arond, im no ready yet to train jayden. i know i should start soon though. she is 22 months.DIVIDER

[Mamas☮MemoirsStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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