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My Thoughts on My Life
by Ufie Dufie

previous entry: Work Shit....this entry doesn't even begin to cover it

next entry: A long time coming

My work issues


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This entry was meant to be posted awhile ago. I just couldn't get myself to finish it or publish it. More things have happened since I've come back from that wonderful medical leave.

So it seems like everything that could go bad for me lately has. I went on this medical leave from work for 2 and 1/2 - 3 weeks. I needed it badly, I was going to just blow up and do something very stupid to myself. So because of that I didn't have an very little/no income. I got hit with my normal monthly bills and it make me absolutely broke. I finally get back to work, building up my hours until I was back to full-time. I was back to full-time last week and of course something bad happens to me. On Tuesday I tripped over some boxes at work and slammed my head into the metal door, along with twisting my left knee and my lower back. I put in an incident report, but when I left work I didn't think that it was necessary to go to the E.R. So later that night I had called my mom and asked her opinion about it, she asked a doctor that she works with, they told me to go to the E.R. immediately. Well now of course I have to file for workman's comp. Of course now the personnel person and the safety team leader are making me feel like I did this just so that I could milk the company of money. I'm sorry but if I was going to do something like that I would have been out for much longer that a fucking day. Well it gets worse, work mans comp is denying my claim stating that it wasn't work related or something like that. Now this is just a bunch of bullshit and I am so going to fight with them. I don't need more bad news, I want my life to be happy not miserable. But how its going right now I'll be living in misery for a long time.
On top of all of this the people that I work with are thinking I'm doing everything that I am doing just for fucking attention. It's the LAST thing I want thanks. I don't need people to watch my every move. When I got out of the E.R. I of course had restrictions that I couldn't do at work; and when I had my follow up with Occupational Health they added more. People at work were really pissed about the things I wasn't allowed to do. I pretty much wasn't allowed to bend, kneel, squat, meaning no pressure on my left knee. Well this means that I don't get to fill prescriptions it involves all of the said things. I was told that I needed to rotated between standing, sitting, and walking. Yup one job that I can do is be down at drop off where I can sit and drop prescriptions and input them. Now they also wanted me to run the register when I wasn't busy with a customer. Well I hate to break it to you, but that fucking job means kneeling, bending and squatting. So Monday and Tuesday I was down at drop off knowing that everyone was pissed at me, it brings me down. I didn't ask for this, but they think I did. I asked the pharmacist that was on that day if it bothered her that I was sitting, her response to me was 'well I know the others are.' I said back to her I don't care about them, I am asking You. It took her five minutes to answer that question. And she was annoyed. So on Wednesday I don't work until noon, so when I walk into the pharmacy I am not surprised that people are down at drop off and people at fill, this leaves me with the register. Now it wouldn't have mattered so damn much if the person that was down at drop off wasn't the person that hates having to be down there. They did this to me for a reason. So of course I wasn't going to allow them to see it bothered me. I played nice with the customers and tried to hide in my face all the pain I was in. I finally went to management. I told them that the pharmacy wasn't following my restrictions like they should be. A BIG no-no. I told my assistant manager that there would be a backlash because of this. He told me that there couldn't be. There is a policy that doesn't allow retaliation against the person that went and used the open door. I also found out that if they do they get terminated immediately. I come back from lunch to the feeling of being even more ostracized. I just made it through the last four hours of my shift and had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't say everything that I was thinking. Well because of the work mans comp being denied all the restrictions go out the window. Put it this way Friday when I go out of work I was surprised that I could move because of the pain.
I am starting to look for a new job, I just can't handle this petty bullshit anymore. It's like being thrown back into middle school or high school with all the drama. The head pharmacist will be happy to get me out, she never wanted to let me back in after my medical leave. What gets me is I don't understand how people can act like this. Do they hate themselves so much that they must take it out on others? Did they forget to grow up like the rest of us? I can tell you know I have more matureness then then the women that are 15-20 years older that me. I'm 25 and I know better than to treat people like this. If I have a problem with you I'll go right to you. Don't worry about talking behind your back cuz I'll say it to your face. I don't like that kind of stuff happen to me so I won't do it to others. Now just if everyone else could be like that.

CSS By:afterlife;designs | Pic By: Immortalized Artiste | Layout By: Love Bipolar Inc

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previous entry: Work Shit....this entry doesn't even begin to cover it

next entry: A long time coming

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